
Halley’s Comet begins its return journey to Earth

Haley’s Return Journey It was officially launched on December 8, 2023, when the comet’s orbit reached its furthest point from the Sun. From there, its course returned to the center of the solar system. It is estimated that before passing by our planet, Halley will be seen by neighboring worlds such as, for example, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. When it reaches our latitude in space, this iconic comet, attracted by solar gravity, will accelerate its speed and reach a speed of more than 250,000 km per hour. And that will happen when it approaches the sun, The heat from this star will ‘light up’ the comet and will release the characteristic gases and particles that form its symbolic tail.

That’s still a few decades away from happening, but just in case, Write the date June 28, 2061. It will then be that, according to astronomers, Halley will shine brightest and be visible to Earthlings. There are also those who speculate that this may be their move on occasion Ten times brighter than his appearance in the eighties. All indications are that the comet will be visible from any corner of the world. world for about two months. With some luck, also from cities Light pollution like Barcelona or Madrid (Although, of course, it is recommended to get away from the city lights and see the clear sky to enjoy all its splendor).

Once every 75 years

Haley’s route is an event in itself. Especially if we consider that this comet’visits the earth every 75 years. Therefore, as countless chronicles have related over the centuries, the mere fact of seeing it is considered one of those experiences that hopefully You only live once in life. The last time Halley visited our planet was back in 1986. Four years earlier, scientists had begun observing its path from Saturn. On its approach to Earth, the Humanity launched five space missions To analyze this celestial object closely. The European probe Giotto was one of the closest flybys of the comet and, after the most detailed examination to date, concluded that Halley had Shaped like a giant “space potato”..

The analysis confirms that Halley is shaped like a “space potato” and has a length of more than 15 kilometers.

It turns out that this The comet is about 15 kilometers long And About eight wide And, like all its counterparts, it is made up of dust, rocks, ice and various gases. The interaction of these compounds with heat and solar radiation is what causes it A typical comet tailwhich can be reached extending several million kilometers through space and to give the characteristic glow that we associate with the path of a stellar object. Hence, even if Halley passes billions of kilometers away from our planet, its radiance will stand out in the vastness of the universe.

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