
A second-hand dealer finds a stack of AMD processors for 7 euros each. When he opens the box, he cannot contain his disappointment

JVTech News A second-hand dealer finds a stack of AMD processors for 7 euros each. When he opens the box, he cannot contain his disappointment


On the verge of finding a gem, this player changed his mind after seeing a stack of AMD Ryzen 7 processors for just $7 each.

When he saw these processors he thought he was getting the deal of the century

It’s every flea market and bargain lover’s dream: strolling among the shelves and vendors, and Come across a rare gem that we have been looking for for a long time Or something at such a ridiculous price that no hesitation is allowed. This is what an internet user who is a video game fan thought he was experiencing.

Over on the subreddit r/pcmasterrace, from which you can clearly deduce the main theme, a certain Slow_Broccoli_7941 shows us an image of his little venture into a store selling various and varied second-hand products. We are not going to lie to each other, This kind of space can be a boon for tech lovers To find parts or products at an unbeatable price, especially when applied by people with little knowledge of the subject.

on PhotoWe may see an elegant lamp or even a sewing machine, but most of all A pile of boxes of AMD Ryzen 7 processors. This is the 5700G, A mid-range CPU that might suit a lot of users who don’t have very advanced needs. In any case, even if it is not high level, Nothing can justify paying $7.49 or €6.88 to buy one.

A second-hand dealer finds a stack of AMD processors for 7 euros each.  When he opens the box, he cannot contain his disappointment

It’s literally the deal of the century, Except for one detail: In every box, the processor is missing. It’s a detail that isn’t a detail, and it’s a shame. But then what are these boxes doing here?

What was in the box?

If the main part of the box is not inside, why sell the empty box. It turns out that these CPU boxes were not completely empty. In fact, it has everything except the processor that was originally there. It’s a bit of a shame, though There is an explanation for this.

The processor box also has packaging and manuals, but most of all An integrated cooling system, a kind of small fan to cool the processor while it is running. The thing is, most gamers prefer to get a more advanced cooling system separately.

As one user explained to us in the comments:

If I’m not mistaken it’s a clearance store, it’s full of products that need to be cleared so it’s really cheap, if our friend was lucky he could have gotten a 7 dollar CPU, but it’s just the box with its cooler , which is still a pretty good deal.

therefore. So this pile of 5700Gs comes from someone who needed a number of these CPUs, but not the rest, and wanted to get rid of them at Goodwill, a well-known second-hand store chain in the USA.

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