
Why do taro leaves turn yellow?

Why do taro leaves turn yellow? Overwatering, direct light, parasite infestation, nutritional deficiency… what causes? Discover our practical guide to help you identify the problem and restore your plant to its former youth.

colocasia why taro leaves turn yellow

Colocasia or Alocasia?

Colocasia or Alocasia? This is a question that is often asked by beginners and is completely normal. These two tropical plants share similar characteristics, but have distinct differences, particularly in the shape and color of their leaves.

ColocasiaAlso known as taro, it has a stalk that joins the middle of the leaf. Alocasia, for its part, is a stem located in the hollow at the base of the leaf. But like any rule, there are exceptions.

So, do you have a the star or a Elephant’s ear, they both belong to the same Araceae family and are therefore subject to the same parasites, diseases and other problems linked to their environment. So let’s see what causes their leaves to turn yellow.

Why do taro leaves turn yellow?

Star or elephant ear green plant with insects

Many factors can cause this problem. Understanding the causes of taro leaf yellowing is essential to maintaining plant health and vigor. If it’s due to insect overgrowth, it will soon affect the rest of your potted plants, so keep a close eye on the leaves.

Also Read: Monstera With Yellow Leaves: What Are The Causes And How To Fix It?

Drinking water problems

Taro needs regular water to thrive. It prefers consistently moist soil. After all, it is a tropical plant. But be careful. Wet soil can lead to problems like root rot. As a result, they are unable to absorb oxygen and nutrients from the soil, causing the leaves to turn yellow.

Nutritional deficiency

As you can see, watering is closely related to nutrient absorption. But even if you don’t abuse it, you can see this phenomenon. It may be time to transplant the colocasia or add fertilizer.

Common diseases and pests

See photo above. This “white dust” is not due to poor image quality. These are small arachnids that can be difficult to see at first glance. Do you see them on your plants? These are mites that build very fine webs and feed on plant chlorophyll.

If the yellowing is due to disease, you may also notice other symptoms such as leaf curling, deformation or brown spots.

In general, all these problems are related. When you overwater a plant, you break down its immune system and make it easy prey for many parasites.

Treatment of causes of houseplant leaves turning yellow

Whatever the reason, you can still save your plant. But it is better to react as soon as possible. This increases your chances of success. Therefore, to prevent taro leaves from yellowing, it is necessary to take preventive measures and natural treatments. Here they are:

  • Watering taro about two to three times per week is recommended depending on the ambient temperature and humidity as well as the soil’s ability to retain moisture. Check the soil with your finger and add water if it feels dry at the base of the plant.
  • Ensure adequate nutrients by using natural fertilizers. A peat-based mix with plenty of perlite, vermiculite or sand will do the trick.
  • Inspect taro leaves regularly for signs of disease or insect infestation. Apply appropriate prevention measures, such as removing infected leaves and using natural antifungal products. Personally, I use diluted hand sanitizer or pure alcohol to clean infected plant leaves myself. I use a cotton pad and carefully clean them one by one.

By implementing these preventative methods, it is possible to maintain the health and vigor of taro leaves, thereby reducing the risk of plant yellowing and promoting vigorous plant growth.

Also Read: Yellow Pachira Leaves: Why and What to Do?

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