
What foods promote sleep?

Slow carbohydrates, viz Starchy foods Such as pasta and semi-whole rice, as well as fruits rich in fructose, are known to promote Serotonin secretionthus contributing Regulate sleep cycle. However, it is important to note that Salads and soupsAlthough often seen as a light dinner choice, can sometimes lack fat or sugars, which Sleep is disrupted by causing the body to draw on its energy reserves.

In addition, ChickpeasRich in one amino acids Certainly, are associated with an increase in the production of MelatoninThe hormone that regulates our internal clock and Promotes sleep. Therefore, including chickpeas in our evening meals, whether in the form of hummus or in cooked dishes, can help with sleep.

Serotonin and melatonin, two pro-sleep champions

Other foods are also beneficial for promoting melatonin secretion and improving sleep quality. Oily fishSuch as salmon, tuna and mackerel, rich in omega-3 and vitamin D, Serotonin production, thus promoting relaxation and sleep. Similarly, Dairy productsLike cheese, contains Calciumwhich helps the brain to produce Melatonin and controls muscle movement.

HoneyFor its part, promotes the production of Tryptophan in the brainAn essential amino acid for Serotonin synthesis. In addition to honey, other foods rich in tryptophan, such as eggs, nuts, dairy products, and certain grains and starchy foods, may also benefit sleep.

Fruits, vegetables and whole grains

Finally, A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains According to many studies, it is associated with better sleep. Almonds, rich in magnesium, can contribute Relax the body and stabilize the heart rateThus promoting restful sleep.

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