
This mage currently dominates three League of Legends lanes while playing AD!

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If you’ve been following Riot Games’ MOBA competitions lately, you probably already know that Twisted Fate AD is completely broken in the current meta. Card Mage is currently the best champion in the game on three different lanes: top, mid, and carry botlane.

Undivided dominance

currently, If we average the TF win rate at each position in Summoner’s Rift, we come to about 52%.. You should know that there are champions today Played on three different lanes: top, mid and botlane, either with his AP build or his AD build which seems to be the most effective build at high elo.

The players took it slowly An awareness of his power in recent weeks, but its popularity really began to explode when pros started picking it up. For European fans, It is probably Brokenblade’s demonstration against BDS That convinced them to change the selection, but this is not the first time the champion has been dropped this season. In 2024, TF has been picked 64 times in competition, including 4 times as an ADC and 4 times as a toplaner.

It should still be noted that there are no champions Not very popular in Asia, where teams don’t seem to be too interested in the pick at the moment. Then we can think that the champion has counters that other teams haven’t thought of yet, but It may well be that this time it is the rest of the world that has a small lead over China and South Korea, with T1 deciding to ban them during their match against D Plus Kia yesterday.

How did TF become so strong?

Twisted Fate Always competitively an interesting champion. It has major advantages The mobility provided by its ultimateVery useful for joining skirmishes and/or split pushes, The mechanics allow him to push the towers very quicklyAnd one Click with CC Points and Gold Card. He may struggle to exist in certain metas, but still remains a potential pick. What makes it so strong on this patch though, It is that the AD version of TF is just as competitive as its AP version, if not more so.

He allows it exist elsewhere than midlane. TF AP is almost always unable to bully its opponent in the topplane once the first things are done, and the fact that it is a burst champion also makes it difficult to get out of the botlane, a lane where trades can expand quickly. is His auto-attack range is over 525, which while higher than certain ADCs (Sivir, Lucian, etc.) remains lower than other champions, some of which can greatly hinder him. So TF APs have a hard time winning botlane exchanges and can’t even really poke.

only, Things are different on its AD version. Even if TF doesn’t necessarily win his auto-attack duels in the botlane, he can now respond and trade very well early. The same is true in the topplane, where his poke ability becomes better. All this is known, but So far the champion has been mainly playing AP, quite simply because the AD build was fairly mediocre in the late game and still lacked a bit of punch.. Only this changed with everything Patch 14.2Or A to AD ratio of TF found (no interest but we mention it) Its card damage now measures the champion’s critical hit chance (there we begin to discuss), and above all E obtains an AD ratio greater than its AP ratio, while still dealing magical damage (butter, butter money, etc.). only TF AD as such becomes more interesting, but also more difficult to deal with on the topplane because its damage is physical and magical. A little icing on the cake, the passive also has a chance equal to TF critical rate to generate extra gold (not quite a game changer, but anything that’s free is worth taking, right?).

Will it be nerfed soon?

No. TF wasn’t touched on 14.3, and from what we know about 14.4, it won’t receive any changes. (Except for last minute additions from Riot). That is, it will be necessary Wait at least three weeks to see TF take some hits in the back of the neck, time for fans of the AD build to take the opportunity to steal the LP. Be careful though, as the champion needs very good vision to play well, to pressure splits, without giving up neutral objectives and without getting caught 24 hours a day.

Another question concerns The direction this nerve will take. Historically riot games Don’t like that the champion can be an AP or AD build, and either made these builds disappear or made them truly suboptimal. Only the latest changes on TF are aimed only at the AD build, which is not considered the main build of the champion. So the question is open: Could TF be on his way to becoming an AD champion in the near future?

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