
They create the first programmable logical quantum processor that will help in medicine and other fields

Harvard Physicists First created A logical quantum processor Programmable, capable of encoding up to 48 logical qubits and execute hundreds of logic gate operations.

Published in Nature, it is a A major milestone In search of a computing Stable and Scalable Quantum Technology, a Ultra high speed which will allow Revolutionary progress In various fields including medicine, science and finance, the university said in a statement.

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is the system First demo implementation of Large scale algorithms on a quantum computer with error correctionEarly predicted the advent of fault-tolerant or reliably uninterrupted quantum computing.

Professor Mikhail Lukin, who led the research, described it achievement As a potential turning point in the early days in the field of artificial intelligence: Improvement ideas quantum errors And fault tolerance, long theoretical, begins to bear fruit.

I think this is one of those moments where it’s clear that something very special is coming. Although challenges still lie ahead, we expect this new breakthrough to greatly accelerate progress toward useful large-scale quantum computers.

Lukin said in a statement.

in Quantum computingA quantum bit or “qubit” is a unit Information, like a binary bit in classical computing. For more than two decades, physicists and engineers have shown the world just that Quantum computing Theoretically, it is possible to manipulate quantum particles (even if atomions or photons) to form physical qubits.

But exploit successfully Quantum mechanics oddity Computing is more complex than just collecting sufficient quantity A large number of qubits, which are inherently unstable and prone to breaking out of their quantum states.

real peopleState coins‘ are so-called logical qubits: packets of redundant and error-correcting physical qubits, which Store information For use in quantum algorithms.

This Structure of logical qubits Controllable units (such as classical bits) are the fundamental constraint for this field, and it is generally accepted that as long as Quantum computers While logic can work reliably with qubits, the technology won’t really take off.

As of today, the Best computer systems They are shown to have one or two logical qubits and a quantum gate operation (similar to a single code unit) between them.

The Harvard team’s advance depends on several factors years of work known as quantum computing architecture atomic matrix Neutrals, pioneered by Leukin Laboratory.

He main ingredient is a block of the system Rubidium atom Ultracold suspended, in which the atoms (physical qubits of the system) can move and connect in pairs (or “entangles”) in the middle calculation.

This A pair of atoms Connected to each other they form the door, which is Power units Computing earlier, the team demonstrated low error rates in its interleaving operations, indicating that Reliability of your system Matrix of neutral atoms.

with it A quantum processor Logically, researchers now show control Parallel Multiplexing of Whole Patches of Logical Qubits Using Lasers. This The result is more efficient and scalable than controlling individual physical qubits.

He The team will continue to work To perform more operations on your 48 logical qubits and configure your system Run continuouslyInstead of cycling manually like you do now.

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