
No movie stars really anymore, Natalie Portman is happy!

“I think all these art forms, when they become less popular, invite the question: OK, who are we doing this for now?”

Can we say that? Natalie Portman are you A great film actress, without a doubt. Quite the celebrity. But stars like the Redfords, Willis, Stallone and Julia Roberts of past decades? Aside from Tom Cruise, who saves cinema in his spare time, there are still few real stars in Hollywood. The Oscar-winning actress in an interview with Vanity Fair black swan confirms this and increasingly reverts to the old state. She explains that “Today’s youth“, like his own children, knows a lot about popular YouTubers, has no idea who the movie stars are.

Natalie Portman

“What is shocking is the decline of cinema as a primary form of entertainment!” attests Natalie Portman. “These days this seems more specific. If you ask a kid around my kids’ age (13 and 7), if you talk to them about movie stars, they don’t know anyone compared to YouTube stars…”

A development that shouldn’t upset her so much! “It’s liberating in the fact that your art isn’t folk art. You can really explore what interests you. It becomes more about passion than commerce. But at the same time, you have to be careful that it doesn’t become that. I think That all these art forms, when they become less popular, invites the question: OK, who are we doing this for now?”

Natalie Portman properly analyzes the industry in progress”To democratize“, or”Goalkeepers have been demoted and where everyone can light things up and show their talent and creativity. Accessibility is incredible. If you lived in a small town, you probably didn’t have access to great art cinemas a few decades ago. Now you can access anything if you have an internet connection. And the crazy thing is that your weird little indie film can be seen by many more people because of this extraordinary accessibility. So this is a two-sided coin.”


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