
Madam Web completely wastes her biggest Spider-Man universe cameo

Various Spider Man The films mostly focus on Peter’s relationships with Aunt May and Uncle Ben, but Mary and Peter’s father Richard have cameo appearances in lead Andrew-Garfield. The Amazing Spider-ManBut in Madam Webb, we get to see a bit more of Peter Parker’s mother. Mary makes a vague mention that Richard is away on business, while Adam Scott’s Ben Parker has a much bigger role – confirming long-held theories that he is Uncle Ben’s former uncle.

Although Mary is pregnant in the film, for whatever reason, Madam Webb She never reveals the name of her unborn child, despite the “guess-the-name” sequence in the movie’s baby shower scene. Director SJ Clarkson warned us there wouldn’t be a post-credits scene, but Mary not naming her baby in Peter’s final scene feels like a missed opportunity to sneak Stinger into an Easter egg. Yu Madam Webb Really alone Clarkson hyped it, not to show that the infant Peter was messing with any timeline. We can’t help but feel that Roberts’ role as Mary Parker would serve as a fun pseudo-MCU connection, even if we’re not technically in the MCU.

Questions are also being raised about why Madam Webb Set in 2003, specifically because it disproves some popular fan theories about how the movie co-exists within the larger multiverse of Spidey movies. No Way Home. There were initially rumors that this world’s Peter Parker would be Andrew Garfield’s version, which is far off considering the timeline. Equally, fact Spider-Man: Homecoming Being set in 2016 makes it impossible for the unborn Peter Madam Webb To become a 15-year-old player played by Tom Holland. The MCU and Sony movies have messed around with its Spider-Man timeline a bit, but even with some artistic license, things get annoying by fractions.

But more importantly, despite the opportunity to really establish the Spider-Man character we’ve seen so little on screen, Mary Parker doesn’t participate in the movie in any meaningful way. Roberts’ character is essentially an Easter egg delivery system in the movie, despite having her own colorful backstory in the comics, in which she and Richard work as secret agents before their deaths. If the goal Madam Webb Had to set up Spidey-related characters who have their own stories to explore, and make them popular with audiences so they can stand on their own without Spider-Man, it’s odd not to build on Mary after Peter’s imminent birth.

What a tangled web

Mary and Richard’s mystery baby isn’t the only dangling plot thread we’ll never get a resolution to. If you listen carefully, Madam Webb Teases their dire fate. After receiving her premonition, Webb jokes with Ben that he will have to get used to being an uncle. Given Casey’s desire to save the girls from Ezekiel Sims (Tahr Rahim), it seems odd that she’s willing to let Mary die — especially since they interact during the movie and she knows Ben doesn’t want children. It’s possible that in this standalone universe he could intervene further down the line to save the Parkers, resulting in Cassie and the girls favoring Peter instead.

Of course, as an introduction to this new superhero, Madam Webb There is shockingly little in terms of actual costumed superheroes. Trailers hyped Sweeney, O’Connor and Merced in their spider suits, only for a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it early appearance and last-minute teases of possible future installments. A stinger about the Parkers’ fate, Ben’s destiny as Peter’s father, and teases from Peter himself further confuse the film’s intentions.

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