
Are these games bigger than GTA 6? What is Quadruple A and is it the future of video games?

Game news Are these games bigger than GTA 6? What is Quadruple A and is it the future of video games?


The world of video games has everything. There are both small titles and huge multi-million euro projects. Triple A, triple I or even quadruple A are all terms for designers. Writing helps you see more clearly in this JV fast.

Video games are now the leading cultural industry in the world. Obviously, projects have multiplied in the sector and many terms have appeared to designate them. Triple A, Triple I or even Quadruple A are all designations that players can lose. So the editorial staff will help you see things more clearly with this JV fast seen in the video above.

Are these games bigger than GTA 6?  What is Quadruple A and is it the future of video games?

Before getting to the heart of the matter, we must identify what a triple is. The term is used in the industry to talk about video game blockbusters. These are large projects with significant budgets. Companies use this name to talk about titles with enormous ambitions and which will bring in a lot of money for the studio. Generally, other works not of this type are considered “B” or AA titles..

originally, The AAA adjective appeared in the late 1990s. During various American video game conventions, various studios in the United States used this name based on university ratings. Over time, it became more popular, especially since the 2000s. The term became an industry standard to describe large video games.

AAA bans studio

For sects, The concept of triple A restricts developers Who is going to make ” Very risk-free things that the general public will follow on a large scale “This self-censorship will be found in”. Game design that is original and not over standardized to guarantee maximum profitability » he adds in the video.

The notion of AA games to talk about software with less ambition and therefore often a sign of greater freedom For developers. They will be able to test mechanics that are not common because of the low financial risk.

A market that evolves and new conditions appear

Are these games bigger than GTA 6?  What is Quadruple A and is it the future of video games?

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In this context of continuous evolution, Ubisoft started using the qualifier “AAAA” to talk about games with more ambition than AAA.. The word is dangerous to the Ungund, “ Because it doesn’t make much sense. It can lose players who don’t see the difference between triple and quadruple A ” Pantha recalls, for example, that Red Dead Redemption II was advertised as a simple triple A. However, its development required more than 800 million dollars. More than 3,000 people worked on it for 8 years. It is also the game that requires the highest investment in the video game sector (But GTA 6 surpasses this record).

So this multiplicity of positions can confuse the players. There are also other terms such as AAA+ to designate games as a service or GAAS (a title that receives long-term content to ensure project longevity) or Triple I to designate independent games with strong ambitions like Hellblade.

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