
Alcohol Dependence: What Are These Five Signs That Alert You to Your Addiction?

Alcohol dependence – often called alcoholism – is an insidious process that takes time to develop. But once installed, it is hard to get rid of and often even hard to accept. However, the health risks are very real. What are the first manifestations of this addiction?

Are there any signs of alcoholism? In her autobiography “Tout te dire”, singer and actress Camille Lelouch talks about the slow process that led her to alcohol dependence. She also speaks of “alcoholism without symptoms”.

Indeed, while many signs are recognizable (such as frequent drunkenness, etc.), others may be more difficult to identify.

Want to need…

In fact, there are many causes of alcohol addiction. It can be genetic, trauma-related, or even behavioral: we drink at a party, have aperitifs with colleagues after work, etc.

And this is where all the tricks of alcohol come into play. At first, the euphoric and relaxing effects of alcohol are pleasant. A person who drinks finds it without even knowing it. Then alcohol takes over. It helps to release pressure after a working day, to forget about stress… and thus becomes “the” solution.

Since then, one gets used to it and develops tolerance. In other words, the ingested dose must be higher to continue to experience the same effects. Then comes the moment when we drink out of necessity, to avoid withdrawal…

What are the telltale signs?

Addiction is sneaky and can take years to catch on, almost unnoticed. However, certain behaviors may indicate problematic alcohol consumption:

1. You consume more and more often…
If drinking after work every day has become a habit, or if you can’t imagine seeing friends or going to a party without drinking, you may be at risk of addiction. Drinking earlier and earlier can also be a sign.

2. and in large quantities
We know that no level of alcohol is safe. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has set a limit of 3 glasses per day for men and 2 for women (one day a week without any consumption). If you have gotten into the habit of exceeding this indicator, then again, the risk of addiction is real.

3. Your behavior has changed
A direct result of more frequent and heavy alcohol consumption is behavioral changes, such as mood swings and irritability. Anxiety and difficulty getting through your days may also appear. People around you must have told you about it.

4. Your social relationships have deteriorated
Other possible consequences: Your social relationships deteriorate. If you argue with family, between friends, if you no longer have patience with your children… this could be a sign that you need to worry about your alcohol consumption. Additionally, absence from work or tendency to disengage are all criteria to be considered.

5. You have physical and mental withdrawal symptoms
When you don’t drink, withdrawal symptoms can manifest as shakiness, sweating, nausea, insomnia, nightmares, etc.

How do I know if I’m at risk?

Admitting that you have a drinking problem isn’t always easy. Several questionnaires can be used to detect excessive consumption. The DETA questionnaire (reduction, entourage, too much, for alcohol) is the simplest. It consists of four questions:

  • Have you ever felt the need to cut back on your consumption of alcoholic beverages?
  • Have people around you commented on your consumption?
  • Have you ever felt like you were drinking too much?
  • Have you ever needed alcohol to feel energized in the morning?

If you answered yes to at least 2 questions, this may justify raising the topic with your general practitioner.

take note : Excessive alcohol consumption is a major risk factor for certain cancers: mouth, throat, esophagus, colon-rectum, breast, etc. In addition, it promotes certain chronic diseases: liver diseases (cirrhosis) and pancreas, cardiovascular disorders, high blood pressure, nervous system diseases, psychological disorders (anxiety, depression, behavioral disorders), early dementia, etc.

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