
A list of foods you should definitely not eat for breakfast

Verified by PassportSante on 02/09/2024

A list of foods you should definitely not eat for breakfast

If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it’s not just a question of eating anything. Anthology of foods to avoid in the morning while taking care of your figure.


Savoring a croissant or pain au chocolat after dipping in tea, coffee or chocolate is delicious. However, these are foods that are high in sugar and butter. So they are extremely high in calories and are not recommended when you are in the process of losing weight.

Fruit juices

Industrial fruit juices contain about as much sugar as soda. If you can’t do without them, choose the ones that say “no added sugar”. Best of all, squeeze your own oranges, grapes, and lemons to get healthy fresh fruit juice.

sliced ​​bread

Do you prefer sandwich bread to wholemeal bread or whole grain bread? The problem with white bread is that it contains lots of sugar, additives and very little fiber. Additionally, because it tends to melt in the mouth, it is not very filling, which causes cravings after a few hours.

This cereal

We love them for their taste but also for their ease of preparation. Pour (a little extra) into a bowl with milk and that’s it. The problem is that most cereals found in supermarkets have a glycemic index that is very high. As a result, we digest them too quickly and feel a bit groggy by mid-morning.

Industrial biscuits and cakes

The ultimate easy solution when you don’t have time, industrial biscuits and cakes are however not recommended for your health. Low in fiber but high in sugar and fat, they send blood sugar levels skyrocketing and are not at all filling. Ingesting them at high speed is the best way to store fat in the body.

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