
“We can still make a lot of progress, we can improve in many areas”

LCK Spring Split 2024 The 2024 season didn’t get off to the best start for the T1s, losing to Gen.G on the very first day of the regular season. After the meeting, Faker and kkOma visited the press room to answer questions from the media.

How do you feel after playing the first match of the season?

kkOma : It’s a bit of a shame that we lost today, but I don’t think it’s too difficult to correct what we didn’t do well. Even though the result is a bit disappointing, we still have to improve, so I don’t feel sad.

Faker : Apart from results, we focused on preparation and playing. We lost, but I think they can beat. Despite the regrets, there are things I am happy about.

(for kkOma) What is the regret and satisfaction of this match?

kkOma : The first match was really good as the players put up a good fight. In the second game we were in the lead, but we couldn’t snowball. It’s kind of embarrassing. As for the third match, we were too late, but the players fought so well that they almost won the match. It is very positive.

(For kkOma) There are many changes in the new season. T1 should analyze enough items. Is what you predicted actually happened?

kkOma : We need more time, but the analysis we have done is similar to what is happening now. However, we must always be skeptical, so we must continue to research and analyze. Champions like K’Sante or Udyr may appear. We are still researching.

What we have discussed together is happening, but since it is only the first day, we still have work to do. The layout of the map has changed a lot, and this is one of the parts we need to work on more.

(For Faker) You almost won the third game, but you lost. What do you regret the most?

Faker : The third game didn’t start well, but we managed to hold on until the end of the game. There were a few mistakes in the final moments, and I regret that.

(For Faker) It seems that Gen.G and T1 had different interpretations of the meta. Gen.G chose to pick late game, while T1 preferred Voidgrubs. Is there a reason you’re stuck with this strategy?

Faker : We started adapting to the meta a little later than others. Additionally, the preseason patch was applied a bit late to the SoloQ server. Even though we’re a little late, I think we can dominate the meta. Even after the meta change, each team will have their own interpretation. We will walk our own path.

(For Faker) Compared to previous versions, are there any metas that look similar to the current meta?

Faker : There have been a few updates to the map in the past, but this time the changes are significant. All teams must adapt. The important thing is to know how we interpret the situation. Apart from that, we will need more time to recover our capacity, but we will improve every day. We will mainly focus on this.

A final comment?

kkOma : The players have had a tough schedule so far. Our performance was good and it would have been better to win. Even though we lost, it is positive that we will do better from now on; We just need to adapt more. It would have been better if I could have maintained the position of the players a little better. It’s a shame. Our fans would have been happier if we had won, but we couldn’t do that. Despite everything, we will improve every day and show you what T1 should be like. We thank you.

Faker : Although we lost our first match, we can still improve a lot if we focus on the process rather than the result. I think we can improve in many areas, so we will all play our part in the team and work hard.

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