
What is the difference between alcoholism and dipsomania?

Alcoholism and dipsomania are two terms used to refer to addictive behaviors related to alcohol consumption. However, these two disorders are not entirely the same, and understanding their differences is essential for proper management. Here’s everything you need to know about the difference between alcoholism and dipsomania.

Before focusing on the specifics of dipsomania and alcoholism, it is important to understand how problematic alcohol consumption is in France. According to Public Health France statistics published in 2020, France is one of the world’s highest alcohol drinkers (6th out of 34 OECD countries). The French will consume the average 11.7 liters per year per person aged 15 and over. In 2017, 23.6% of 18- to 75-year-olds exceeded consumption criteria (1). Alcohol consumption is a major public health problem in France 49,000 is death Every year in 2023, according to the Ministry of Health. Alcohol is also responsible for 7% of illnesses and premature deaths in Europe (2).

What is dipsomania? Definition, causes and symptoms

Dipsomania is a Rare mental disorders characterized by episodes of massive consumption ofalcohol (We talk about episodic dipsomania). People with dipsomania experience periods of withdrawal followed by crises during which they experience cravings, an irresistible urge to drink in excess. The term “binge drinking” is often used to describe these crises. This can cause a disorder Total loss of control over alcohol consumption, often with restless struggle without being able to control himself. Dipsomania can cause significant long-term health damage, including liver problems such as liver cirrhosis.

When is a person considered an alcoholic?

Unlike dipsomania, alcoholism refers to chronic addiction to alcohol. The diagnosis of alcoholism depends on it No Symptoms related to addictionwhile dipsomania is particularly characteristic A period of crisis. The Ministry of Health recommends the maximum Two glasses of alcohol every day and not every day. Experts therefore agreeMore than 21 drinks per week for a man and more than 14 drinks per week for a woman are at high risk of alcohol dependence.. You can be said to be an alcoholic when the urge to drink arises every day. In all cases, it is important to consult a doctor for support.

Treatment of Dipsomania: How to treat it?

Treatment of dipsomania usually involves the same methods as for alcoholism, such as psychiatric and psychological monitoring and alcohol withdrawal. Overcoming dipsomania usually requires the support of an addiction specialist and a psychiatrist. It is also possible to participate in support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, to give yourself a chance to get through it.


(1) Public Health France, article “Alcohol consumption in France: Where are the French?Published on January 14, 2020.

(2) Ministry of Labour, Health and Unity, Article “Alcohol Addiction”, published August 24, 2023.

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