Tired of inflation? Make your online purchases in this video game…
Game news Tired of inflation? Make your online purchases in this video game…
In the category of games that are not visible but highly addictive, there is Supermarket Simulator, an extremely satisfying experience that has dominated Steam sales for days.
In life, there are obvious facts, and then there are these completely unexpected encounters that interrupt our daily lives without warning … I have been playing supermarket simulator for hours now., the minutes pass so quickly that I had to suddenly remove myself from an incredibly addictive spiral to write this article before the weekend arrived. Otherwise, I’ll probably sort through my water and milk packs until dark. I no longer know who I am or where I live, I am drawn into the eternal search for profit while the oil shelves are emptied at a speed that makes me anxious. How can I hold my head up when customers at my new grocery store search in vain for boxes of Chocspics for their snacks, when I only have $10 left at the store checkout and I don’t even have the means to invest in the poor. shelf to meet my daily objectives as a supermarket manager?
Run your own supermarket. Stock the shelves, set prices as you wish, collect payments, hire staff, expand and furnish your store. Online Ordering and Delivery, Shoplifters, Security, Local Market Coming – Game Steam Sheet
One day I will be the best cashier
Early Access
Supermarket Simulator is in early access.
As you have no doubt understood from the title, Supermarket Simulator is a first-person simulation that puts you in control of a completely empty supermarket, which must be stocked from A to Z.. Some would say it’s downright boring, for me, the above title unleashes a clear desire to succeed, organize my shelves to perfection, and please all my customers for long hours. And you know, I’m not the only one thriving among the wonderful shelves of my little store that’s still in its infancy (I still have a lot to compete with the monoprix in my neighborhood): The game has dominated the best sellers on the Steam platform for weeks now. And frankly, it deserves it.
Please note that Supermarket Simulator offers content that is already dense enough to captivate the interest of fans of the genre. In your shed, your PC allows you to access the entire management side of the experience and displays great clarity. The game is clearly easy to learn, and this is always a great point for a management title that requires efficiency, especially when the clock is ticking, and a profit needs to be made before time runs out. There is a “market” corner, where you can stock up on food and drinks, but also buy furniture and fridges. There’s also a “License” tab, and this is where most of the magic happens: Once the funds are raised, you can acquire new licenses to welcome completely new products to your shelves, such as the fantastic stock of peanut butter that I’ll be rushing to sell at full price.. Also very commendable, one tab gives you the chance to expand your store department by department and the other offers you the Holy Grail: to keep employees behind the cash register while you run to collect boxes of products the wholesaler drops badly on the street. Good luck to you too. In other words, everything you need to keep you playing for dozens of hours is already there.
The best is yet to come
What’s more satisfying than admiring your shelves perfectly stocked and aligned before opening your blinds? Actually, not anymore. Apparently, the life of a store manager is not just a succession of joys, it comes with its little pitfalls: viz Bills to pay every month and above all, change to give, hell all the time Which reminds me of the extent to which I have exceptional difficulties with calculations. Tip: To avoid this monumental pitfall as much as possible, stick to round prices on each product.
Far from a very relaxed experience, Supermake simulator requires incredible pragmatism and flawless functionality : At the end of the day, the results are prepared, including the number of missing products and customers upset with the set prices, among others. There is also the issue of performance, your avatar being able to climb levels. Also, I have no qualms about selling my inferior products above the market price. Customers may well complain, I have labor to hire, and grocery stores to run.
Supermarket Simulator Still in early access and offers relatively limited content. But developer Kanias alone is rolling out updates slowly. Soon, the game will be entitled to some exciting new features such as cleaning, customization, decoration, expiration dates and especially thieves! Portions can be spicy. Discord with thousands of participants keeps you informed of all upcoming updates. In any case, if the experience already appeals to you at this level, know that it is offered to you on Steam at a price of €12.99. Treat yourself. Me, I go back