
Some LoL players are asking for the return of this feature for the sake of their games, which has been missing for several months.

After the rest of this announcement

In League of Legends, we have a whole bunch of things to complain about. Our peers, which is more true when it comes to inters, AFK, or unwanted chat spammers (and/or pings), but also ourselves when we perform poorly. But there are also some aspects that we cannot control, such as delays. And no, not everyone has fiber yet.

For some community members, these ping issues, which are disabling for the respective player, are similarly disabling for their fellow players.

A dedicated queue for those left behind?

Not all of us are the same in terms of internet connections, and some have higher ping than others (ping is the time it takes for a data packet to travel back and forth between the source, here the LoL server, and your computer). The closer it gets to zero, the better. As a result, you may have players lagging behind in your games. A technical issue but one that has a real impact on your game progress. A player who cannot clearly follow the action will not be the most effective. As a result, some members of the community believe that this handicaps the rest of the team. Issue raised on Reddit.

Don’t let people over 200 ping rank!

Or if that’s too hard, at least target the servers to certain parts of Europe so I don’t have Bashmir playing from an island 600ms away from a minion spawn. There’s a point where it ruins everything for everyone if your screen shows a team fight after it’s over and we’re all dead because X champion didn’t participate.

The idea is simple, Any player with a ping over 200 should not be allowed to run the rankings. Instead, it will have a dedicated queue where everyone with the same problem will find it. An idea approved by the community, which also suggests improvements: “I agree, it would also be nice to receive an alert if, while queuing, my own ping exceeds a certain threshold. It could be that I have internet issues that I’m not aware of and only notice when I’m already I do. in the loading screen.” A player commented.

Removed a feature

If you are a recent MOBA player you might not know this, but There was a time when we could see the ping of our companions during the loading screen. However, this feature was removed because it caused toxicity. “Back then, we could see every player’s loading bar, and we’d make fun of the guy who loaded the slowest. Or we’d say silly things like ‘gg, their botlane loads fast’.” Comment from a community member.

Indeed, it was unfortunately common for the player with the highest ping (and slowest start to the game) to systematically receive comments that weren’t necessarily friendly early in the game. It’s never pleasant to hear that your computer is just an ordinary toaster…

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