
Self-care and mental health | Your health channel

Do you want to start the new year with good mental health? The truth is that emotional well-being is an essential part of self-care. This means getting to know yourself and what stresses you out in order to find a solution. Marina Torres Llorente, specialist in clinical psychology at Quironsalud Bizkaia Hospital, insists Importance of caring and evaluating emotions.

Seek advice from our experts to maintain and improve mental and emotional well-being.

A guide to mental health self-care

Self-care involves learning to recognize and remedy situations that cause anxiety. In the case of mental health, everyone has a limit, and it is important to recognize and communicate this to others. In fact, it is a great way to take care of ourselves Learn to say no to commitments we love. For this reason, the expert highlights that “it is important Surround yourself with people who create well-being for you And you feel good.”

Likewise, it is important Take care of people around us, family, friends or colleagues. Along these lines, it is also important to achieve healthy relationships and establish open communication. In this regard, psychologists recommend “Find a good support network, foster healthy relationships and stay away from everything that hurts us

It must be added that the daily hustle and bustle of other people’s opinions can stop us from listening and thinking about what we really need. The expert warns us about this: “We live in a fast-paced society and often we don’t stop to see what our real needs are.”

Keys to mental health self-care

Because of that, Learn to listen to ourselves and take care of ourselves It is also an essential measure to take care of emotional health. To achieve this, we can ask ourselves simple questions: Are we okay? have we eaten? Do we want to relax? Treating ourselves well and appreciating ourselves every day is also important, so we should observe the way we talk to ourselves and include positive expressions that praise us.

In addition, if necessary, we can turn to psychological specialists, who assess the individual situation and provide tools to take care of mental well-being. Torres tells us that professional help is always beneficial: “Express how you feel and Ask for help if you feel like you’re not having a good time“. Now you can also undertake the first session of free online psychological help to analyze each case, risk factors and the next recommended consultation.

Finally, the expert points out that “self-care is a fundamental function in our lives, since The time we spend taking care of ourselves directly affects the state of our health“So, whenever possible, we should put ourselves first and do the activities we love.”Reserve time to enjoy the important moments in your life,” concludes the expert.

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