
One Day (Netflix): Why Ambika Mode Almost Turned Down a Role Over Anne Hathaway?

This is the series that is currently leading the top 10 series in France. After launching on Netflix on February 8, one day (one day in the original version) entices and moves people. The British miniseries follows the story of Emma Morley and Dexter Mayhew over several years. “On July 15, 1988, the evening of their graduation, they spoke for the first time. The next morning, everyone goes their separate ways. But where will they be on this ordinary day next year, the year after that, and all the years after that? Each episode allows us to find Dexter and Emma on the same date year after year and watch them evolve, change, grow closer and further apart, go through moments of joy and sorrow.Netflix mentions synopsis.

Adapted from the novel by David Nicholls, one day Thus follows Emma and Dexter for twenty years. To play this beloved hero, the makers roped in Ambika Mode and Leo Woodall. The girl was earlier seen in the mini-series This is going to hurt And I hate Suzy, hesitated for a long time before accepting the role. In a recent interview with Diversity She thus explained that she did not “Haven’t seen Emma play”. “I just thought it would be a waste of everyone’s time if I recorded for this.”, she added that she refused to audition for the role. “Literally, one night I was lying in bed and my eyes opened and I said to myself, “I’ve made a terrible mistake.” Fortunately, this epiphany came just in time: a week before casting director Rachel Sheridan called back potential candidates.

Why Ambika Mode compared herself to Anne Hathaway…

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The Rajinda Sandesh For her part claims that Ambika Mode also refused to audition because she was marked by the first version of the character played by Anne Hathaway in cinema. “The role was originally written as white and played by a white actress. I hope that young women who don’t often see themselves on screen will see that it is possible. I’m very different from Anne Hathaway, so I never worried about her. It’s just the fact that I’m not white and I play Emma. I don’t think this would have happened ten years ago. In itself, it is a way of modernizing history.”she assured.

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