‘Now there is no agency in America that can help them’

Juarez City.- Although in terms of mobility there are people who ask for water and food days after crossing the American bank of the Rio Grande, according to Eduardo Saenz Frias, the first visitor to the state, there is no Mexican public agency that can help them. Human Rights Commission in Ciudad Juarez.

“We know they are asking for help, but the detail is that they are towards the US and the commission has no jurisdiction or intervention. There is no way,” he declared.

In order for them to receive support such as food, water, shelter and bathrooms, they have to return to Mexico and take advantage of existing spaces for this, such as those that exist in public and civil society shelters and shelters. City, he clarified.

But, he added, “They don’t know where they are, what situation they face, (and) desperation leads them to seek help.”

According to Saenz Frias, the commission has been without complaints from the migrant population arriving at this border from other parts of the country or other countries due to possible human rights violations committed by any authority.

The environment along the banks of the Rio Grande, which connects Juárez to El Paso, Texas, has become tense in recent days after a group of people settled on the beach after swimming in the river due to the transportation of water from the United States to Mexico. A neighboring country is waiting to find space between the cyclone mesh put in place by the Texan government so it can request asylum or work permits on that side of the wall.

Alleged abuses by the Texas National Guard, chases in which migrants flee on foot and followed by vans without official signals, icy winds and lack of water and food have been repeatedly documented on the site by this media in recent weeks.

(TagsToTranslate) Juárez

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