
“Negative noise has done a lot of damage”

They are priests, deacons, lay people, who have long been involved in welcoming and supporting homosexual Catholics. While two months have passed since the publication of the Vatican document that officially blesses same-sex couples, they are forced to admit: to the surprise of some, to date, they have received almost no requests for blessings.

This is a contradiction fiduciary applicantsRoman document (“Pleading Trust”) on the pastoral meaning of the blessing, approved by Pope Francis. While it received enormous media coverage and provoked numerous reactions around the world, its reception in France showed that it was not entirely in line with the wishes of the people concerned.

A few requests

According to some interlocutors involved in these questions, this can be explained first of all by what was happening unofficially on the ground, before the publication of this text: the priests, known as “useful”, was already wisely blessing couples. and often go beyond the framework and form authorized by the Vatican. This is 42-year-old Diane, who comes from a family of executives in the banking sector “Catho-Classical”. With his wife, he was able to benefit from the preparation of his civil marriage, which was then continued for nine months through spiritual accompaniment.

“For the priest in question, it was first, he was mainly with him Divorced and remarried couples. » To their great surprise, at the end of their support, he suggested that they celebrate “A Mass of Blessings”. “There was no exchange of rings, but our love was blessed, it was a very strong moment”, says this Parisian. Timothy was also blessed with her husband on their civil wedding day. “It happened during a ceremony in nature with our loved ones. We had a prayer time with two priests who blessed us, laid hands on us and said the words of the pilgrim’s prayer. »

But it is above all the document’s very content that dampened potential enthusiasm. Even as Bruno, 47, a high school director in Catholic education, tells himself, “Disgusted by this text”. Married since 2015, he could have sought blessings. But he admits that the amount of precision surrounding the form authorized by the Vatican ultimately limits it “bitterness”. To avoid any confusion with the sacrament of marriage, Rome has in fact multiplied the “framing” elements in its document.

Thus, the text makes it clear that these non-denominational blessings should not be performed at the same time as a civil union. Couples also don’t have to wear clothes “suitable for marriage”. In addition, “to distinguish them clearly from religious blessings”, they “Should be concise above all”of the period of “Ten or fifteen seconds”, advocates dicastery for the doctrine of faith. Neither can these blessings be spoken “In a sacred building or in an important place in front of the altar”Rome remembers. “After all, when we read the fine print, we must be blessed by candlelight in the rags in the cellar, so that we too can do nothing”Bruno squeaks.

Theological Controversy

For the same reason, Aurelie, 30, who grew up in a Catholic family and will marry her partner in 2025, chose to be blessed in the United Protestant Church of France. “My partner is Protestant and when we thought about it, we said to ourselves that on our civil wedding day we want to be blessed by a ceremony in a church, which is impossible in a Catholic church. So a priest will bless us” She explains without hostility.

“All these careful details do not help the priest that I am in understanding the merits of the text, Identifies the priest of Deux-Sèvres, who denounces the document “Poorly put together, and not objectively done enough before publication”, A few days before Christmas. “I prepared to receive requests for blessings, especially since part of my parish is in the “gay friendly” zone of my city, but for the moment I have not received any requests from same-sex couples. In my opinion, the negative noise surrounding the publication of fiduciary applicants did a lot of damage”Analyzes Father Geoffroy de la Touche, parish priest in Rouen.

The theological controversy that followed the publication of the text is indeed one of the reasons that discourages requests. Paradoxically, the release of fiduciary applicants Reopened old scars and brought cultural and theological debates on the church’s view of homosexuality to the fore. Like Jean-Marie, interviews were conducted by homosexual Catholics Cross Its release was met with ambivalence, leaving a bittersweet feeling in his mind.

This 74-year-old committed Catholic saw it for the first time “Advanced” On a subject dear and painful to him. “Homosexuality has been the battle of my life, it took me thirty years to admit that I was worried”, it gives confidence. This volunteer in the diocese of Nanterre has always felt welcomed by the church and says he has not suffered rejection. However, he claims that he recently wanted to “slam the door”.

Because, after his initial satisfaction a “Opening Text”Jean-Marie says she follows with him “disappointment” Different positions, issued by different episcopates in France and abroad, seem to distance themselves from the Vatican text that authorizes spontaneous blessing. “Same-Sex Couples”. Jean-Marie specifically cites the example of a bishop in western France who called for a blessing. “individuals” And not “unions”And to avoid this, according to him, this “confusion” And “Scam”. “Scandal is a violent word to sum up our lives,” It believes, discourages, excites “Betrayal of Pope’s Text”.

Between Pastoral Reception and Immutable Doctrine

By allowing the blessing of same-sex couples, while not changing the definition of homosexuality, it has also blurred the criteria for Catholics concerned in a certain way. From this point of view, we observe a generational divide. Older people, like Hubert, who has been in a relationship for twenty-five years, view this development with skepticism and fear that it is the first step towards fundamental change: “Is it desirable to move the benchmark in such a volatile world? Homosexuality is a wound we did not choose. It is legitimate not to put an “equal” sign between homosexuality and heterosexuality. This does not prevent us from loving God. » The youngest ones usually demand an evolution of church doctrine.

The blessing of same-sex couples is put to the test:

While some bishops in France proposed a revision of the passages to the Pope in 2023. Catechism of the Catholic Church On homosexuality and working on this question at the Bishops’ Conference of French theologians, fiduciary applicantsThrough the ambiguities it contains, it reawakens unresolved questions. “In fact, this document is a badly cut quote: We bless without blessing, Analyzes the pastor of the Southeast. Until the church resolves the question of whether homosexuality is a fact, a given, or a moral question, it cannot escape. We make it a moral problem of desire, as homosexuals choose and can do otherwise. But I don’t like the one I met. In fact, homosexuals try to live with something they cannot change. It’s really an anthropological question.”

In some ways, the passion of the protest reminded many gay Catholics of the wounds caused by the “marriage for all” debates. “People say they feel rejected once again. In families, it is sometimes difficult to see the gap between the Pope’s intention and the bishop’s position with respect to the text. Parents suffer for their children”Testifies Father Bernard Olivier, head of the team responsible for welcoming homosexual Catholics in the diocese of Nantes.

However, this document, although it did not generate requests, was able to reach the ground. At the “Becoming One in Christ” group, dedicated to welcoming gay Catholics, which hosts monthly Masses and dinners, where Cross Went to Paris in early February, some realized fiduciary applicantswelcome, expected, anxiety form: “I am delighted and I think how much hay we make.”laughs 48-year-old Brigitte, who picks up, smiling :“We are well blessed Motorcycles, animals, so why our couples, who are committed to fidelity? » “When I found out about the publication of the text, I felt great, I was on cloud nine,” Makes Luke happy, 28 years old.

Timothy, the president of the “Becoming One in Christ” association, also wants to be optimistic and insists that the controversy has already enabled the church to move forward and “Foreknowledge”. He points to the example of Manif pouring discussions, which then “many groups” Diocese of pastoral care with people of the same sex has developed, whereas before the offer was almost… non-existent.


A text whose welcome divides

On December 18, The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith publishes a declaration fiduciary applicantsApproved by the Pope, giving the green light for the blessing of “Couples in Irregular Situations”Includes divorced and remarried people and same-sex couples, outside the religious framework.

On January 4, Faced with criticism, particularly on the African continent, the Vatican published a press release to clarify its application. He recognizes that he can declare “Necessary (…) more or less time for (her) Application according to local contexts.

In a press release issued on Wednesday January 10, The Permanent Council of the Conference of Bishops of France (CEF) reacted cautiously. Referring to companionship in the church ” Homosexual people live as a couple » He recognizes that the declaration is “had a definite effect on public opinion”He receives it “As an encouragement to priests to bless generously those who come to them humbly asking for God’s help”.

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