
“My God, I have no words”, this player thanks his pet…



“My God, I have no words”, this player is killing it on LoL thanks to his pet!

In League of Legends, certain champions have pets that they can summon. These creatures are more or less powerful, but when one of them manages to kill three enemies, when its owner is not even in the lane, it is hard to believe.

After the rest of this announcement

In League of Legends, some champions aren’t really alone. They are really familiar. We can think of Marguerite for Ivern, the void beings that Malzahar can summon with his e, or of course Anne’s famous tibbers. But more often than not, their owners must stay by their side, except for a certain character. His pets can roam freely…and kill too.

Three murders in absentia

In a clip shared on Reddit, we can see a Yorik player drop his Mist Maiden on the topplane to splitpush to help his team – a move known to all players (and usually others) on Champion. But nothing seems to be able to stop her, and not just a little bit, as the Virgin herself will destroy the carnage.

First, it is the enemy Atrox who decides to confront her, she defeats him. As he approaches the top of T3, the opponent Hwei who decides to confront him, also dies. Finally, our beloved Aatrox apparently wanted his revenge, as he returned for another round… which he lost. Only after T3 was brought down by the Akali would the virgin be finally shut down. Suffice it to say that it is a very effective splitpush, but in addition Yorick surrounded himself with kills attributed to enemies who underestimated his pet’s losses.

Fun community

Obviously, the community was quick to react, but to mock this somewhat ridiculous play for the red team.

  • “The moment I realized Aatrox was going to fight him, I knew it was GG. The fact that he died twice makes it even funnier.”
  • “These two players are literally worse than half the bot-powered champions. Unbelievable.”
  • “My God, I have no words.”

Unfortunately, and as we learned in the comments, our Yorick lost the game. His companions were apparently not very strong, someone pointed out that they were all worse than against the Aatrox. And when we know that the latter lost two duels against Virgin, we can say that the level of his team was not very high… at least, They will never again underestimate the loss of a pet.

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