
Match fixing on the Eastern European League of Legends scene? Riot Games launched an investigation!

After the rest of this announcement

Cheating on League of Legends The beginning of the game was fairly normal Match-fixing scandals in almost all leagues, including the most prestigious. However, Riot Games gradually regained control of all official leagues, and fiercely fought the practice. This may not be enough to deter some players, who don’t seem to have the sharpest knives in the drawer.

What happened in the Iron Wolves and ESCA match?

The match between the two teams started normally, but very quickly The level of play of the two players impressed the spectators and the Riot Games referees. There are suspects Wen “Kaylin” Zeng (forest) and Shuai “Odin” Wang (midlaner), two Chinese rookies (no reference to professional experience before Iron Wolves). During this match, they were guilty of more than questionable plays.

Kylie distinguished herself significantly by using her ult and her flash during a bronze-worthy play on her way back from the nightclub.where’Odin managed to team fight without using any of his spells (Okay he played Jess, but still). The midlaner also died a little later when he didn’t finish taking Inhib. There is only one clear fact: both players clearly tried to sabotage the game.

the height of irony, The Iron Wolves won the match. His toplaner HeSSZero played a fantastic game on his Gwen, leading his team to the eventual victory. at this moment, The Iron Wolves were up 2-1, not a bad start for the team (Even though their wins came against teams who play more mid/bottom of the table).


The organization has The two players published a press release calling their behavior unacceptable. beside them, Riot Games suspended both the players for two matches. Forcing the Iron Wolves to concede two defeats on the green carpet. The editor remembered that Teams are expected to play matches to 100% of their potential even if the matches are unbalanced. This is to avoid seeing troll players when a game is already lost, or when they have nothing left to play for in the championship, which was once quite common.

The restrictions may not stop there. Riot Games has launched an investigation into match-fixing, to determine the reasons that compel these players to troll the game. Most likely the reason is apparently that they were paid to do it, hence the investigation. Also Other ways cannot be completely ruled out. Perhaps they were received/treated particularly badly by the structure, which would have caused them to break during official matches. This explanation may seem far-fetched, but we must bear in mind that these are two players from another continent, who may have difficulty communicating well in English, who have not found other solutions to convey their message.

Yet we must realize that the players were particularly vague in their way of doing things, as if they wanted to be seen. Other ways of sabotaging the game exist, such as being between opponents without moving (then it’s also possible that players are just being stupid). Although this hypothesis seems improbable, reason suggests that we be patient while it is being investigated.Before deciding who to blame in this matter.

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