
Kamala Harris says she is “ready to serve her country”

The Vice-President of the United States assured that there was “no doubt” about his desire to “serve his country”. The statements come if Biden’s mental state is at the center of the American presidential election.

American Vice-President Kamala Harris says she is “ready” to serve her country, in an interview published by the Wall Street Journal this Monday, February 12, at a time when the debate over President Joe Biden’s age is starting again.

“I’m ready to serve my country. There’s no doubt about that,” the 59-year-old Democrat said, adding that anyone who sees her at work “will conclude (she’s) perfectly capable of leading.”

The interview, clarifies the Wall Street Journal, two days before the publication, last Thursday, of the devastating comments made by the American prosecutor on the memory of 81-year-old Joe Biden.

“Old man with bad memory”

Robert Hurr, charged with investigating the case of classified documents in the possession of the American President, dropped the case, arguing, among other things, that a jury would be reluctant to convict “an old man for a false memory”. .

The comments rocked the campaign nine months before the presidential election in November, which may have pitted Joe Biden against former Republican President Donald Trump, 77.

All polls underscore that the Democrat’s age is his main handicap, leaving voters skeptical of his ability to secure a second term.

The day after the release of the prosecutor’s report, Kamalas Harris defended the president. She condemned Friday, in particularly strong terms, the “political motivations” of the magistrate in question, who is a Republican, while praising the way Joe Biden governs.

The American Constitution provides that the Vice President succeeds the President if the latter dies or finds himself unable to assume his duties.

However, this does not mean that Kamala Harris will automatically become the nominee of the Democratic Party if Biden, for one reason or another, leaves the race before the election.

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