
Esport – League of Legends: MAD Lions KOI surprise finalists in LEC

While no one expected them to be at this level at the start of the season, here the MAD Lions KOI qualified for the finals of the winter segment of the LEC – the European Championship. League of Legends -, to everyone’s surprise. This Saturday, even though it almost endured a terrible comeback, the Spanish club brought down Team BDS (3-2), which was weighed down by the absence of Adam “Adam” Manne. He will face heavy favorites G2 Esports this Sunday for the title.

On Friday, MDK already defied predictions (3-2) against Fnatic, who were more experienced at such a level. Against all odds, Bartlomiej “Frescovy” Przewoznik and his teammates proved to be smarter than their opponents on the map, managing to pull out the victory in a narrow encounter. The next day, the march should be high against BDS. But the Swiss club was deprived of it Top plane And main asset, Adam, announced his withdrawal earlier in the week for reasons still unknown.

Snow tried everything

Without the Frenchman, the usually well-established collective collapsed, quickly conceding the first two games. In fine form, Sang-hoon “Ice” Yoon still started the rebellion, bringing BDS to a tie. But MDK didn’t flinch in the decisive fifth round, following Javier “Illoya” Prades on his game, simmering on his brand.

In the final, the Spaniards, largely supported by the crowd, will have a hard time facing G2, the reigning European champions and above the competition in recent weeks. But their winter segment is already a great success: with four rookies, Tomas “Melzet” Campelos has managed to create a project compatible with one of the most exciting games in the league. A success story that many French clubs would envy…

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