
Criticism poured in after comments Trump called “racist” to black voters

Donald Trump came under fire on Saturday, February 24, 2024 after his comments to black voters, suggesting that his accusations made him a sympathetic candidate in the eyes of African-Americans.

The former president of the United States, a candidate in the November election, was meeting with a group of conservative African-Americans in South Carolina on Friday evening when he declared: “A lot of people say black people like me because they’ve suffered a lot and they’ve been discriminated against and they see me as someone who’s been discriminated against.”.

Caught in legal trouble, Donald Trump also said, regarding his now-famous mug shot: “You know who embraced it more than anyone else? “The black population is amazing.”.

“Chaos” and “Racism”

These comments were criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike, seeing the deeply unsavory connections between African-Americans and crime.

“It’s disgusting”, Nikki Haley said Saturday, is still the only significant candidate in the Republican primaries against Donald Trump. The two candidates will face off in a primary in South Carolina on Saturday.

“This is chaos with Donald Trump, and this kind of offensive language will continue every day until the election.”she warned.

A Joe Biden campaign official called the comments “Racist”. “For Donald Trump to claim that African Americans will support him because of his criminal convictions is insulting. It’s stupid.”A press release denounced Cedric Richmond.

“Believe me when I tell you that in November, the voters he continues to disrespect will swallow his words.”he said.

“Nightmare” America, according to Trump

The controversy hasn’t stopped Donald Trump from aggressively continuing his campaign, attacking his Republican rivals Nikki Haley, Joe Biden or the American justice system.

According to him, the United States today is a country governed by “tyrant”, “corrupt” And “fascists” : Donald Trump, hailed as a superstar at the annual elite gathering of conservatives, on Saturday painted a picture of American democracy on the brink, thanks to Joe Biden.

Cheered on by hundreds of his supporters in red caps emblazoned with “Trump” in gold letters, the former president says: “A vote for Trump is your ticket to freedom and your passport out of tyranny”.

For an hour and a half, Donald Trump made inflammatory comments about immigrants “Kill our citizens, kill our country”.

“No country can tolerate what is happening” In the United States, the Republican Tribune launched, slamming Joe Biden’s immigration policy.

Under the Democrats, “America is a nightmare”He said at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in the suburbs of Washington.

The 77-year-old former business mogul vowed to address the issue upon his return to the White House. “as strict as necessary”A record number of migrants crossed the border between Mexico and the United States in 2023.

His impersonation of the current president, whom he describes “Threat to Democracy” And “Surrounded by Fascists”To the public’s amusement, Donald Trump promised them that November 5 would be Election Day “Liberation Day”.

Joe Biden is a favorite target of Republican tribunes, who don’t hesitate to mock the Democrat and portray him as a crazy old man, making sure that he himself “No cognitive problems”.

His speech was marked by rhetoric that was as fiery as ever, making numerous references to American democracy on the brink of collapse.

“Everything will work again in our country and we will be respected all over the world”assured Donald Trump of his re-election confidence, before heading later that day to South Carolina, where a new round of his party’s primaries is being held.

(TagsToTranslate)Donald Trump

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