Catherine Vautrin wants to double the employment rate of 60-64 year olds
Achieving full employment by 2027 is the objective set by the Head of State and his government. And to reduce the unemployment rate to 5%, the Ministry of Labor is counting on the employment of seniors. A major challenge for the government is to double the employment rate of the over 60-64 age group.
In an interview with JDD on Sunday, Minister of Labor, Catherine Vautry, showed colour: “ On the question of employment, I really have two priorities: youth on the one hand, seniors on the other. Indeed it is on these two subjects that we can win the battle for full employment, because these are the two categories where we are lagging behind the most, with the lowest employment rates. “, she first explained. But reintegrating seniors over 55 into an already tight job market is no easy task.
The minister is well aware of the mission that awaits him: “ For someone who loses their job at age 55, if we don’t have the ability to train them and support them right away, unfortunately, every month that passes takes them a little further away from work. “, she stressed. The manager is convinced: to achieve full employment before the end of Emmanuel Macron’s mandate it is necessary to double the employment rate of 60-64 year olds (which is currently 33%). So the stakes are high. And to achieve this, We companies should find a solution to keep senior employees in their jobs.
” Salvation comes through work »
For the minister, this includes anticipating an aging workforce. ” A 58-year-old woman with osteoarthritis is complicated if she has to bend over all day to care for young children in daycare. », explains Catherine Vautrin. Preparing senior employees as best as possible for the rest of their careers is a priority for managers. The key, along with being career-long, is to be able to anticipate, depending on training and professional retraining. “, she judges.
” I’m not the queen of obstruction, I’m more of an encourager. So we should look at how to encourage companies to retain employees above 50 years of age. », explains Catherine Vautrin. She believes that compensating seniors for longer means further isolating them from the job market. ” I am one of those people who think salvation comes through work, not aid. », she adds.