Are Cuban planes flying to Nicaragua?

Amid United States sanctions on companies dedicated to migrants en route to Nicaragua, flights by Cuban planes by airlines Cubana de Aviación and Aerogaviota were reported this week.

According to reports on networks and independent media, the passage to Nicaragua appears to have been regained thanks to the intervention of the Cuban government fleet. So far, the Cuban airport company ECASA has not officially commented on the matter.

This week, monitoring by FlightAware, a platform dedicated to flight tracking, allowed us to observe how Aerogaviota and Cubana de Aviación, the country’s main airlines, make trips to the Nicaraguan capital.

This suggests that, despite the difficulties, the Havana-Managua route continues to be important to the Cuban government and that it knows its bills are being paid, as the route to Nicaragua remains the main exit route to the United States for thousands of Cubans. , despite parole, a five-year visa or family reunification, as a legal means.

“He dares so much @PartidoPCC who used their planes to transport Cubans into exile #USAthrough #ManaguaAfter restrictions of @POTUS To Dominican Airlines?”, one user questioned Twitter.

Cuban planes heading to Nicaragua? New business?

Until now, they were flying Conviasa, a Venezuelan airline that maintains its links with a stopover in Cuba. Their flights depart from Caracas, stopover in Havana, and then continue to Managua. Aruba Airlines also continues to do so from Havana and Holguin. The route from the Cuban capital to Nicaragua is direct, but from Holguín, you have to stop in Aruba, according to official information.

Regarding the possible flights of Cuban planes en route to Nicaragua, starting this month, some media have praised the resumption of these connections in favor of the Cuban government. So it is likely that this other flight route to Managua will become official soon.

Flights Cuban planes Nicaragua

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