Ana Garcia will start a “crusade for justice”.

Ana García, wife of the former president of Honduras JUAN ORLANDO HERNANDEZwho pleaded guilty to three drug-trafficking offenses in New York last Friday, announced on Tuesday that he would now seek the presidency of his country for the opposition National Party.

“Today I want to announce to Honduras that I have decided to launch my candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic for the National Party for the period 2026-2030,” Ana García said in a message on the X social network.

Ana García de Hernández announced her pre-candidacy for President

He added that, starting Wednesday, his “A crusade for justiceand invited his followers to the headquarters of the Central Committee of the National Party in the Honduran capital in the morning.

García, who was first lady of Honduras during her husband’s two four-year terms in office (2014-2018 and 2018-2022), said she has decided to seek the presidency for the 2025 general elections, “ Injustice that we have seen in recent times” and “responding to the plea of ​​thousands of Hondurans who have expressed their support to me.”

With her husband extradited to the United States on April 21, 2022, where he faces trial for drug trafficking, the former first lady is denouncing the injustice done to Hernandez, as she says, “He is innocent. .”

JOH found guilty

Hernandez, a one-time ally of the United States in the fight against drug trafficking in Central America, was convicted of importing cocaine and using weapons in that country, which could lead to the rest of his life in prison.

Judge Kevin Castel set a tentative sentencing date of June 26 for Hernandez, 55, who has years ago boasted of his close ties to the United States.

However, the US government has insisted both in documents and during the trial in New York, which ended with a guilty verdict last Friday, that the former president said he wanted to “shove drugs under the noses of gringos” and that “they don’t even care.” There weren’t.” EFE

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