
Alternative Therapies: A Focus on Holistic Wellness | ANB :: Bariloche News Agency

Alternative therapies continue to gain popularity as an option to improve emotional and physical well-being in a conscious and natural way. These practices include past life regression, tamana, reiki, biodecoding and access bars.

In a conversation with ANB, Gladys, a holistic healer from Bariloche, emphasized the importance of these therapies for those seeking to expand spiritually. “It is necessary to work on our spiritual side; without considering our emotions, mind and body, it is difficult to understand life and achieve happiness in harmony,” he commented.

Past life regressions allow you to access past life memories and experiences through the subconscious. It is argued that current traumas and problems may have roots in past lives, and remembering those moments can help heal the present. This technique is done through hypnosis, guiding the patient to access those memories in the subconscious.

Tamana, on the other hand, is an energy therapy that works with the body’s vibrations to release emotional and physical blockages. It uses creative visualization and meditation to achieve balance and harmony in body and mind, working with each individual’s unique vibrational frequency.

The Access Bar, a technique that involves gentle stimulation of 32 points on the head, releases energy from experiences and beliefs, calms the nervous system and improves sleep, among other benefits.

Gladys emphasized that this therapy does not replace traditional medicine, but complements other forms of treatment.. Although they are not generally recognized by the medical community, their advocates claim their effectiveness in treating disorders such as stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.

Proponents of past life regression maintain that accessing these memories can release trauma stored in the subconscious, while focusing on your vibrational balance and accessing bar energy to improve quality of life.

However, a universal assessment of the effectiveness of these therapies is complicated by a lack of scientific consensus. Despite this, more and more people are incorporating them into their personal care routine and reporting significant changes.

Gladys Bariloche is a holistic therapist and holistic psychology technician. It is dedicated to promoting healing in the spiritual and emotional realm along with traditional and allopathic therapies.

“My personal life experience led me to become the physician I am today. I had leukemia for the first time at 25, and the second time at 35. The second time I thought I was dying. I have had a life marked by experiences—not just Illnesses -, which led me to investigate, study, apply certain techniques first to myself and then apply them to others. It turned out not to be one, I started doing it to friends and family and they referred me to people. Started. , until recently I stopped many years of business to devote myself to this, which I think I came to this world to do,” concluded the physician.

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