
According to this nutritionist, here are the most effective sports for melting fat after 60

the past Sixty, it becomes difficult to maintain a slim figure. Enter here Retirementthere MenopauseLack of activity, body changes, results, fat collects. In order to limit the damage and not see the numbers grow on the scale without stopping, it is important to adopt A healthy and balanced diet. Homemade meals, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, a properly made plate contribute to this. Ban on weight gain.

Diet is not the only contributing factor gain weight. Lack of activity as well Sedentary lifestyle Increased risk of fat accumulation. Unfortunately, 60 years later, the visceral fat No more disappearing like 20 years ago. Physical abilities decrease, and doing several sports sessions per week is no longer possible.

Sport: A health companion for people over 60 years of age

Practice the gameOr simply Move regularly is the key to good age. daily activity Prevents certain diseases Such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, but also depression, provided be cautious. Indeed, after a certain age, Sports can be dangerous If it is executed badly.

The Dietitian-Nutritionist Raphael Gruman Advises against supporting activities such as hitting, ball sports or boxing. These games are not recommended for people over 60 years of age, as they can causing injury or touch the joints. On the other hand, experts recommend that Effective exercise It is very useful for this age group and their physical condition Melt the fat.

Melts fat after 60: this effective activity

from 60 years, Protect your health becomes a priority in the framework of Weight loss goal. In order not to harm your body, dietician-nutritionist Raphael Gruman recommends Risk free activities. One of them combines gentle methods, muscle strengthening and endurance effective result And without risk. ” In addition to a balanced diet, practice cardio activity such as Nordic gait is interesting », the expert reveals.

Nordic gait

Photo credit: Paxels Nutritionist Raphael Grumann recommends Nordic walking for weight loss in your sixties.

In addition to providing an opportunity to discover new landscapes, Nordic walking Acts on deep muscles. Thanks to the action of the sticks that push the ground, the effort is amplifiedA group of muscles : Arms, shoulders, stomach, back and legs. there calorie expenditure East increased to 40% More than traditional walking. Look no further, this activity ticks all the boxes Lose weight after 60.

Nordic gait

Photo credit: Paxels Thanks to its thorough action on all muscles, my Nordic walking helps increase calorie expenditure.

Exercise games to burn fat after 60

Despite the benefits of Nordic walking, it is an activity that depends on the weather and environment. Don’t panic, walking with poles isn’t the only solution Burn fat after 60. People who like themIndoor activities Will appreciate it more pilates. This Gentle method Also allows you to lose fat, tone up Gain balance and flexibility.

Lose weight after 60

Photo credit: Paxels Pilates and exercise cycling can be practiced without risk after the age of 60.

The Training bike Exercise is also a great way to maintain your health. Pleasant and easy, it can be done while watching a movie or listening to music. A real delight even for those who hate paddling. Finally, the to swim There are many benefits.

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