
A dermatologist shares the do’s and don’ts to get rid of it without aggravation

A woman’s body is tested with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and other hormonal fluctuations. This can affect physical appearance, resulting in weight gain or sudden growth of facial hair.

Indeed, women can then have beautiful hair in areas where men usually abound. What causes this hair? When this how to work facial hair Appear? Dermatologist Lawrence Netter declared in a column Current wifeEffective techniques to get rid of them or camouflage them (your choice!).

Where does facial hair come from?

appearance of Hair on cheeks and chin Can be explained by many reasons, but all of them are of hormonal origin. This hair growth can be the result of an increase in male hormones called androgens. All women produce this hormone, but some may have more of it. Therefore, the face and other parts of the body are sparsely hairy.

This phenomenon is more pronounced at menopause when there is a greater demand for hormones, it is also reversed. ” During a woman’s life, before menopause, the ovaries secrete estrogen and progesterone. At the same time, the body also secretes testosterone, the male hormone“, explains Dr. Netter. “At menopause, the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone decreases, while testosterone secretion changes little or not at all.” Eventually, these male hormones are then produced in greater amounts than hormones of female origin, as secretion from the ovaries decreases.

The result? “The balance between male and female hormones can be in favor of testosterone: then we talk about relative hyperandrogenism.” After this influences the appearance of viral signs, including Hair on the lower parts of the face.

What do you need to know to get rid of facial hair effectively?

The first thing to know before going hair hunting is “Menopausal hair falls out very easily, either with laser or electric hair removal“, according to Dr. Netter’s statements. Professionals point out that these hairs are at the end of their life, so they are easy to remove.

For dark hair, laser is a method that works very well. However, this technique is not always suitable for the face, as it presents the risk of regrowth. In fact, by treating the area, the laser stimulates growth in the surrounding areas. However, in cases of menopause, this method of permanent hair removal is risk-free; We should be careful when hormonal fluctuations are not linked to menopause. It is also recommended to avoid this technique to avoid heavy facial hair when you are prone to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

What is the best way to get rid of facial hair permanently?

On the other hand, according to a dermatologist, “In the case of white or red hair, the laser does not work, so you have to turn to electric hair removal or electrolysis” Indeed, this method consists of one treatment of the hair during which the hair follicles are destroyed using a microneedle. The action of this intervention involves the transmission of an electric current that will destroy the germinal part of the hair. As a result, the hair is destroyed from the root, Which will make it possible to get rid of it permanently without any possibility of subsequent regrowth.

This procedure takes a little longer than a laser session and is also a little more painful. However, it is the only hair removal method that can claim to be truly permanent. On average, an electrolysis hair removal session costs around €100. It takes about 6 sessions spaced 10 days to 5 weeks apart depending on hair growth.

While these aesthetic methods can be quite expensive, bleaching can also help camouflage hair. Really, is this really so problematic that it can’t be seen?

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