
Prepare to take sick leave to get out of it! Fans are already buzzing!

So guys, are you excited GTAVI? Enough to spare on release day to spend all day committing crimes and exploring Vice City?

Well, that’s exactly what some fans predicted. On Reddit, the conversation started with a user asking how long everyone planned to take off from work. They admit they take a week off to fully enjoy the sport and they are not alone.

GTAVI Many people will call in sick or take time off

The best answer certainly reflects what many people think, “Everybody in the world is on sick leave when they’re on sick leave.” GTA6 will come out. “This led to several additional responses from users that they plan to take a few days off to get sick and study the new game’s intoxicating intricacies. “If it comes out on a Friday like most video games, I’ll take Friday off and maybe a long weekend next Monday. .” ยป

Taking some time off to play a new game is not unheard of. I made time for new editions of The final fantasyAnd I took a whole week off to play The Elder Scrolls: OblivionAnd I may have called in sick a few times during my days World of Warcraft. Ah, such good memories.

So what are you planning? If you plan to call in sick at work, we can help you with this. Feel free to use our excuses below:

Hello (Employer), I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to come to work today because it looks like I’ve come down with a case of swollen head/burst nodules (delete as appropriate). I want my doctor, Dr. Had to go into town to see Lucia, who suggested lots of bed rest. I think I must have been gone for at least 50-75 hours.

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