
These 3 proteins can reduce damage


  • Every year, 80,000 people suffer from a myocardial infarction, also called a heart attack.
  • A heart attack is the leading cause of heart failure, a chronic disease characterized by the inability of the heart to pump blood throughout the body.
  • Researchers have identified three proteins that, administered after a heart attack, will prevent the onset of heart failure.

According to Health Insurance, about 80,000 people have what is called a myocardial infarction each year. Also Heart attack. It can be defined as the destruction of part of the heart muscle. Most of the time, after-infarction leaves behind effects because some heart cells are irreversibly destroyed.

Infarction: administration of 3 proteins to prevent heart failure

After a heart attack, some patients may develop heart failure. This chronic disease is due to the inability of the heart to properly fulfill its role of moving blood around the body. Treatment and a healthy lifestyle can control the worsening of the condition and reduce episodes of decompensation requiring hospitalization.

According to‘Health insurance, Heart attack is the most common cause of heart failure. Researchers have asked themselves the question of how to limit the risks of heart failure after myocardial infarction. The results of their work were published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Scientists found that administration of three proteins after a heart attack can prevent the onset of heart failure. eyeThey used a technique called “funCell”, which made it possible to identify these three human proteins in more than 1,000 people. These are Chrdl1, Fam3c and Fam3b.

Administer one of these proteins after a heart attack

This is the first time that potential therapeutic factors for the heart have been directly identified for their therapeutic potential“, explains Mauro Giacca, one of the authors of the work conversed. Laboratory experiments on mice show that these three proteins prevent damage to the heart after a heart attack and thus reduce the risk of heart failure.

Any of the three proteins we identified can be administered immediately after a heart attack to reduce damage to the heart and thus prevent heart failure, Mauro Giacca develops. There has been no significant progress in this field for a long time, so we are very excited about this discovery.

For the moment, the effectiveness of these three proteins has not yet been tested on humans. “The potential of this therapy is extremely important and could revolutionize treatment for patients at risk of heart failure.Ajay Shah, professor and director of British Heart Foundation Center for Research Excellence at King’s College London. After that there is no effective preventive therapy for the deterioration of heart tissue (Heartbeat Jam)So this is a big breakthrough in this field.

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