
Here are the logos to help you find your way

Faced with the increasing complexity of USB-C, the USB Implementers Forum (USB IF) has decided to take matters into its own hands. The organization responsible for regulating USB standards has created clearer logos to help consumers navigate the jungle of standards and protocols.

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With the advent of USB-C, we have seen a great evolution in the world of connectivity. Gone are the days when we had to juggle different types of cables to connect our devices. Now, one type of connector is enough for everything: charging, data transfer, video, etc. But this apparent practicality hides a more complex reality.

Lack of complexity and clarity

Indeed, while USB-C has the advantage of being universal, it suffers from a lack of clarity regarding its actual capabilities. When you plug in a USB-C device, it’s often difficult to know how fast it charges, how fast data transfers, or whether video is supported and at what speed.

This complexity is due to the set of standards and protocols supported by USB-C, which can vary from one device to another.

USB Implementers Forum: Towards Clarification of USB-C Standards

During Mobile World Congress, we had the opportunity to meet the USB Implementers Forum (USB IF) at the Pepcom event, the body responsible for defining and standardizing USB. Aware of the clarity issues associated with USB-C, USB IF aims to make the standard more understandable to users.

Source: USB-IF

To do this, the organization wants to apply a more clear logo, which makes it possible to understand the capabilities of the USB-C connector or cable at a glance.

For example, the highest speed currently supported by USB-C is 80 Gbps (USB4), information that can be clearly displayed on products thanks to this new logo.

Source: USB-IF

A global advertising campaign for certified cable

USB IF also plans to launch a global advertising campaign to promote certified cables and thus encourage manufacturers to certify their products. The organization hopes that consumers will be more attentive to this certification logo, which guarantees compliance with USB-C standards and better compatibility between devices.

However, the USB IF cannot force manufacturers to submit their products for certification. This is why the organization is counting on consumer vigilance and regulators’ action to encourage manufacturers to adopt these clear standards.

The European Union: A potential, but feared, ally

The European Union may promote USB IF with this new clarification, even though USB-IF opposed the EU’s mandatory integration of USB-C.

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The association fears that this will slow down the development of USB technology by imposing too strict restrictions on manufacturers.

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