United States Congressmen proposed adding Uruguay to the North American Free Trade Agreement

Joe Biden and Louis LeCalle Pau at the White House

(From Montevideo, Uruguay) A bill that passed both chambers United States Congress Includes a proposal to consider Uruguay as a new member FTA Valid between North Americans, Mexico and CanadaUSMCA (formerly NAFTA). The proposal was introduced by Democratic and Republican lawmakers and promotes the South American country as a “pilot country,” according to a local newspaper. the country.

If the project moves forward, the proposal would go into effect in 2026, when the USMCA’s member states will discuss the status of the alliance and have room to introduce changes to its current operations.

called initiative America ActEncourages planning of Trade and economic relations between the United States and related countries of the Western Hemisphere. Thus, it seeks commercial integration on a regional basis by strengthening supply chains, encouraging investment by North American companies in partner countries, and increasing trade and cooperation between states.

A bill submitted to the United States Congress includes Uruguay as a “pilot country” to incorporate the USMCA (REUTERS/Leah Millis).

US legislators highlighted Uruguay’s democratic quality, respect for human rights and the fight against corruption as central pillars for consideration in the North American Congress.

Members of Congress appreciated the interests of these countries, their levels of economic development, and the relatively small size of their economies and populations. From the Uruguayan embassy they highlighted that the Americas Act “recognizes and takes into account the image and path of Uruguay. A model partner for the United States and a model case in the region

Ambassador of Uruguay to the United States, Andres Durandeclared that this fact would “mark a before and after” for relations between the two countries as it indicated that “Join the world’s most important FTABecause it is a commercial link with three countries at the same time.

“It is also gratifying for us to see how Uruguay is recognized, its solid democracy, high standards, in many respects similar to those of the United States, and that it breaks with logic. (Louis) Lacalle Pou Once synthesized as ‘the sin of doing things well’; In this case, clearly, our country is being recognized as a model to follow and encourage, which we celebrate,” said Duran.

The diplomat assured that the approval of the bill indicates a possible influx of new investments into the country, a “significant shift” in international investment and a related step towards development.

Uruguayan Foreign Minister, Omar Paganini (EFE/Raul Martínez)

Foreign Minister Omar Paganini said in the meantime find out That proposal Means “strong indication” that the government’s relationship efforts with the United States are bearing fruit. The minister assured that the proposal was a recognition of the country’s “stability” and “democratic values”.

Paganini praised Ambassador Duran’s lobbying to include Uruguay in the bill and recalled that the country is part of this. Alliance for America’s Economic ProsperityA project Joe Biden To strengthen their commercial integration.

There has been a shift in the more strategic perspective of the United States, which is starting to look more towards the region (after a long time).“, Paganini assessed.

In June 2023 A proposal was also introduced by Republican and Democratic senators in Congress. He proposed the abolition of tariffs on Uruguayan products, Remove visa requirement for businessmen And start studying to stop asking any citizen for this document.

The initiative requests that Uruguay be immediately included among the countries that can access the E1 and E2 visa types, which are designed for people with some type of commercial activity and investors, respectively.

An example for this decision is a meeting that took place in April 2023 in an American congressman Anchorena President Ste Together with President Lacalle Pou. Robert Menendez, of the state of New Jersey, attended; Tim Cain, of Virginia; Bill Hagerty of Tennessee and Representative Tony Cardenas of California. At that meeting was former Foreign Minister Francisco Bustillo and his then-partner, Lorena Ponce de Leon, along with Lecale Pou.

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