
“He’s practically unstoppable in the lane phase”, according to players we finally know as the toughest matchup in LoL

In League of Legends, there is a principle of counter or opposite. A champion who on paper mostly dominates his opponent. This does not mean that you will win if you choose the character in question, you still need to know how to master it. But are there really cases where the fight is definitely lost in advance? The community tried to answer this question.

Pure 1v1

A player asked a simple but very interesting question: Which champion can dominate the other every time without outside help, and on the condition that no mistakes are made by either side.

Which matchup should, in theory, have a 0% win rate?

I’m curious to know which hard counters are the hardest to deal with? If we remove support and jungle, and let ADC, mid and top fight 1v1, and both players literally play to perfection. Which match should never be won, assuming no mistakes are made?

And I don’t mean actual match ups, like Yuumi on Pantheon. It’s pure 1v1 with no outside help.

Of course, the responses were numerous, and some particularly championed the offense.

  • “While I was climbing the ladder with Blitz, a few different guys started attacking me with the Sivir/Morga duo. He was practically incapacitated in the lane phase.” Two shields protecting the champion from opposing spells therefore nullifies Steam Golem’s grappling hook, but this is not a pure 1v1.
  • “I’m not kidding, but I really believe that Trundle gets the hang of Yasuo every time. I’ve played this match many times and Yasuo can’t do anything to defend himself, Trundle doesn’t care if you move. Stands still. Punch you in the face and Yasuo won’t be able to fight back, even if he manages to throw his ultimate (which is easy against Trundle).”
  • “I’m thinking of Vayne against Cho’Gath because he can’t build AP because she’s too fast when she casts her Q. He can’t even dominate her while tanking because she forwards it.”

So mobility is an important factor. Some tanks can dominate fast champions like Yasuo, while others struggle against ADCs like Vayne. Sindra is also mentioned for another reason. Facing Yorick, she can easily get rid of her virgin by grabbing him or pushing him away to send her further into the lane.

Other scenarios include malphite vs. Silas, Kyle Vs. Irelia and Phys Vs. Includes Pantheon. Each of these matchups is incredibly one-sided for a number of reasons, but the idea remains the same.

On the importance of the draft

At higher levels, drafts are more important as they have a greater impact on the progression of the game. But at our level of play, even if this is sometimes a decisive factor, the truth is that it is less decisive. Below, or sometimes above, the gold rank. It’s more important to pick a champion that you master well Instead of hastily googling an opponent’s counter while picking a champion. Of course, you may have picked the perfect champion against your opponent, but if you don’t know how to play it, it’s not much use.

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