
8 GB, 16 GB, DDR4/DDR5… What is PC RAM actually used for and how does it work?

JVTech News 8 GB, 16 GB, DDR4/DDR5… What is PC RAM actually used for and how does it work?


We see it all the time in the specifications of the computer, and it seems that there will be more, the simpler our machine will be? Let’s take a detailed look at what RAM is, what it is used for along with some important details that many overlook.

What exactly is RAM?

Although there are many computer formats, desktop, portable, large, small, they all have one thing in common: they all have CPU power, graphics power and RAM. This is the last component that we will analyze here. Think of the processor as the conductor of an orchestra, managing all tasks, giving orders. But to function efficiently, it needs space to put its files and tools: this is where RAM or random access memory comes in.

The bigger the RAM, the more spacious the desktop and the more conductors it can multitask. You can open multiple software programs, browse the Internet with dozens of tabs, and even play demanding video games without your computer starting to lag. This is because RAM is volatile, meaning it loses its contents when the computer is turned off. Unlike a hard drive (or SSD) which is non-volatile memory that retains its data even after being turned off.

So RAM is a temporary storage space that allows the processor to quickly access the data it needs. The more space available, the more information you can write and the more efficiently you can work. Some software requires a lot of RAM, others a little, and some manage to use it more or less efficiently.

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Now imagine that information is stored in small bins numbered 1 to x. Does the processor need information? It asks the RAM to give it the contents of locker number x. This is called random access, which is much faster than searching for information in a long sequential file. It is like a particularly intelligent librarian who knows the location of all the books, and which allows the processor to quickly find the information he needs.

Physically, RAM is made up of millions of transistors that store electrical charges. Each charge represents a byte, the basic unit of computer information. It is by combining millions of bytes that we can create images, texts, sounds, programs, etc.

How much RAM to choose?

The amount of RAM required depends on your needs. If you use your computer for basic tasks like Internet browsing and office automation, 8 GB of RAM will be enough in 2024. There are still entry-level models with 4 GB, but those should become outdated quickly. other side, If you are a die-hard gamer or use resource-intensive professional software, it is advisable to choose 16 GB RAM or more.

Last thing, what do “DDR4” and “DDR5” mean?

In PC technical specifications we often see these terms placed next to RAM, but what is it? These are the last two generations of RAM. DDR5 is faster and more power efficient than DDR4. However, it is also more expensive. If you’re on a tight budget, DDR4 is still a good option.

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Buying guide

RAM: The best module to increase the memory of your laptop or desktop PC

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