
The city of Avdivka is now in Russian hands


Video length: 2 minutes

After months of bitter fighting, the Russian flag flies over the town of Evdiyvka (Ukraine).  A symbolic defeat for the Ukrainian army.  -

War in Ukraine: The city of Evdivka is now in Russian hands

After months of bitter fighting, the Russian flag flies over the town of Evdiyvka (Ukraine). A symbolic defeat for the Ukrainian army. – (France 2)

After months of bitter fighting, the Russian flag flies over the town of Evdiyvka (Ukraine). A symbolic defeat for the Ukrainian army.

The Russian flag is hoisted on the roof of the Evdivka factory (Ukraine). This is where the Ukrainian troops made their headquarters. The latter fell and saw that their enemies captured the city. Russian soldiers attached their battalion emblem to the Soviet war memorial of the commune. “We took prisoners and understood that the Kiev regime was sending its best soldiers here“, reveals a Russian soldier.

armed soldiers

In recent days, Ukrainian soldiers from the Third Assault Brigade have been hiding in the basement of the factory. They tried to the end to re-conquer Russian positions. Several hundred civilians are still in the ruined city. “The departure of the army was a decision to save as many lives as possible“, justified the President of Ukraine.

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