4 simple tips to limit it
In France, about 20% of adults sufferHypercholesterolemia, ie excess Cholesterol in the blood, according to French Federation of Cardiology. Cholesterol is an important lipid for the body because it is one of the components of cell membranes and it contributes to the production of certain hormones, vitamin D, bile, etc.
Cholesterol can cause cardiovascular problems
According to health insurance, There is “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Cholesterol is carried in the blood by two proteins. The first is high-density lipoprotein (LHD) which collects excess cholesterol in the blood and transports it to the liver for elimination. We are talking about good cholesterol. Another is low-density lipoprotein (LFD) which, when high in the blood, deposits on the walls of the arteries, obstructing blood circulation and causing cardiovascular disease. It is bad cholesterol.
How can you avoid too much bad cholesterol? To answer this question, the site Study finds got together Some advice from health experts in the United States. Furthermore, according to a study published in the journal Journal of the American College of Cardiology, good cholesterol does not prevent diseases and may even increase the risks. Low cholesterol, good or bad, is the best prevention.
To reduce cholesterol bEat well, exercise, sleep well and limit stress
To fight cholesterol, you must first eat a balanced diet and eat as little fat as possible. When it comes to oil, it is best not to add too much and measure the amount with a spoon. “LOlive oil, almonds and avocado reduce bad LFD cholesterol, increase good cholesterol and reduce oxidation that contributes to clogged arteries.“, we can read Healthline. It is also advisable to consume fiber – found in vegetables, fruits, pulses, dry fruits etc. – and fish that can lower blood cholesterol.
Physical exercise and quality sleep are good for overall health but also help lower cholesterol levels. “150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week (…) is sufficient to reduce both cholesterol and high blood pressureAccording to American Heart Association. And you have many options: brisk walking, swimming, cycling or even gardening” In addition, those who don’t get enough sleep are at a higher risk of suffering from high cholesterol. So it’s important to have a regular sleep schedule with fixed bedtimes and wake-up times… even on weekends!
Finally, one last tip to lower your cholesterol levels: reduce stress. Indeed, if it is chronic – it is to say A persistent state of stress linked to various known and/or sometimes unsuspected causes – This means that levels of stress hormones are high, which can lead to high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart problems. To limit stress, you need to take time for yourself and practice sports Relaxation techniques such as meditation.