Why April will be a key month for Maria Corina Machado and elections in Venezuela

Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado speaks during an interview with Reuters, February 9, 2024, in Caracas, Venezuela. REUTERS/Gaby Oraa

Venezuela is passing on the threshold of a decision to reimpose economic sanctions by the United States, opening up a spectrum of possible future scenarios that could determine the political, economic and social trajectory of the country. Statements by Jorge Rodríguez, the Nicolás Maduro regime’s chief negotiator, suggest a phase of uncertainty regarding the fulfillment of agreements signed in bilateral negotiations between the two countries in Barbados, highlighting the complex interplay between diplomacy and internal aspirations for political change. .

By Infobae

The process of evaluation by the Chavista regime of compliance with the agreements with the United States shows not only the importance of these talks in the framework of bilateral relations, but also the potential influence of these talks on the internal political landscape of Venezuela. Immigration agreements, air deportations and significant exchanges that include the freedom of Alex Saab, accused of being Maduro’s front man, and many Americans, though crucial, become pieces of a wider board where the internal political game, sovereignty and political rights. are connected to each other.

Washington’s temporary suspension of some sanctions until April, including sanctions on the oil and gas industry, a summit month in which a whole battery of sanctions could be reimposed in the event of non-compliance agreed to, highlights I use. These media as a means of pressure to influence internal political decisions leading to a democratic solution, in this case, the qualification of María Corina Machado as a candidate in the presidential election.

But, the Supreme Court’s ratification of Machado’s disqualification further clouds the path towards an inclusive and democratic electoral scenario. Apart from showing little willingness that the regime has to abide by the agreements it has signed, that surprises no one.

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