This is the first biometric smart weapon to hit the US market

Biofire is about to launch the first biometric smart gun in the United States. (Reuters/Matt Mills McKnight)

biofire, A startup based in Colorado, USAGoing to launch first Biometric Smart Gun No USA. This advanced model of gun The 9 millimeter, which includes fingerprint and facial recognition technology, promises to revolutionize the concept of weapon security by allowing only authorized users to use it.

According to the company, the model before this WeaponsValued at $1,499, it will be delivered to investors and close members of the firm before the end of the month. Later the purchase process was opened to the publicIt already has thousands of pre-orders.

This is behind innovation Kai Klopfer, CEO and founder BiofireWhich is inspired by the tragic shooting the dawn, ColoradoIn 2012, years of his life were dedicated to developing a technological solution that could prevent similar situations.

This 9 millimeter pistol uses fingerprint and facial recognition technology. (Reuters/Matt Mills McKnight)

Cloiferwho had left their studies Massachusetts Institute of Technology To focus on this project, managed to collect more than 37 million dollars risk capital and private funding to realize their vision. The merchant maintains it “Your product has been rigorously tested and promises more reliability than biometric sensors present in current smartphones”.

The potential of Smart weapons It has been credited with improving public safety by both gun control advocates and some voices within the firearms industry. Nick SuplinaSenior Vice President of Law and Policy Every cityAs mentioned in an interview with a gun control advocacy group CNBCthat “This can be the beginning of everyone who chooses safe firearms”.

Similarly, the vision of Joe Biden During the presidential campaign 2020 The future of smart weapons reflects an ambitious goal for the industry, which demands “100% of firearms sold in the United States are smart firearms”.

The first model, priced at $1,499, will be distributed to investors and close members of the firm. (Reuters/Matt Mills McKnight)

However, introducing this technology to the market has not been without challenges and skepticism, particularly from gun rights advocates, who are concerned about the possibility that these smart weapons could be remotely disabled, including by the government.

Aidan JohnstonDirector of Federal Affairs Gun Owners of AmericaIt noted that some gun owners expressed reservations to the same media “These so-called smart guns make your weapon unreachable in certain situations where you want it, like a life-or-death situation.”. for its part, Biofire Ensures that remote access to your weapon is not possible, seeking to eliminate such concerns.

Implementation of smart guns is also hampered by federal and state laws. Currently, no federal product safety regulations apply to firearms, including firearms. BiofireBecause of an exception to the Consumer Protection Act of 1972.

However, the gun Biofire Meets safety requirements for both consumer electronics and handgun safety standards set by some states.

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