
This first aid worker’s natural trick to get rid of them in 20 minutes

This remedy promotes the healing of Whitlow when it starts.

Panaris is an infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus (bacteria). It often forms around the edge of the nail or on the pulp of the finger or toe, secondary to a wound (cutting the nail too short, tearing the skin, pushed back cuticles, etc.). The finger becomes red, swollen, painful, and a small ball of pus may appear. This is an infection Often benign But should be treated properly to avoid any complications.

For light whitelaw treatment

When whitelow is in the early stages (first 2 days max) and without blistersIt is possible to promote healing naturally with tea tree essential oil which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (ask a health professional about contraindications).

Caring for Whitelaw naturally © LVPrvention

Other natural remedies may also help. Shares Lionel Ventura, First Aid Trainer His trick Treat finger whitlow in less than 20 minutes at the initial stage (and only at this stage). “I emphasize “light” whitlow, because it is a highly contagious infection, associated with a Very high risk of secondary infection“, explains the rescuer. You have to collect some “hair” from the ears of corn, Put them in a glass container and burn them Using a lighter. Allow to cool and set aside Black powder Get on the paronychia (wash your hands thoroughly first) and leave to sit. Then take a tissuebecause Whitelaw will “spit” Pus very quickly“, which will provide instant pain relief, he explains to his 2.4 million subscribers on his Tik Tok account.

Then clean the wound and secure the area with a bandage. Corn hair (also called “corn husk” or “corn silk”) has recognized medicinal properties. Some studies have shown Their antiseptic, healing and analgesic effects, which helps regulate the inflammatory response and prevent pain. They are better known as herbal teas for relieving urinary tract infections, significantly reducing inflammation of inflamed mucous membranes and the need to urinate frequently. Corn silk should be avoided if you are allergic to corn or if you are taking certain medications (in which case, seek medical advice).

When to consult a doctor?

Very painful, whitelaw can quickly become infected and cause complications if not treated in time or not properly treated. You should not pierce it yourself as you risk making the infection worse. That’s right Consult a doctor quickly If:

→ Whitelaw didn’t go back After 48 hoursDespite local antiseptic treatment

→ If an abscess has occurred

→ If you have a fever

→ If the pain prevents you from sleeping

→ If you have diabetes

→ If you are taking corticosteroid or immunosuppressive treatment

→ If your tetanus vaccination is not up to date.

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