
These new treatments raise hope but their high cost discourages

Research is progressing. As migraines continue to strike thousands of people around the world, many drugs in the Gepant class are now showing hope and can treat not only the attacks but also the root of the problem. Because until now, the medicinal arsenal was still very inadequate and recommended for people suffering from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, ketoprofen, etc.) and triptans (moderately tolerated and contraindicated in case of vascular problems), suitable for were not Many cases.

Since 2021, a third family has also appeared but unfortunately not with the expected effects, anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies. This treatment, available on prescription from a neurologist, exists only in injectable form.

VIDEO – Dr Christian Recchia: “By respecting the rule of four S, 70% of the risk of migraine disappears”

Well-tolerated drugs

Faced with this reality, a drug in the GPents class, called Vydura, has been marketed in France by Pfizer since the fall, raising high expectations from patients. Another, in the same class, Aquipta, should see the light of day in 2024. Specifically, they antagonize the CGRP receptor, a key mediator of migraine pain. So they work by blocking it. Note that gapants are taken orally and are generally well tolerated. Unfortunately, it is their cost that is currently the problem. This treatment is not reimbursed. And it usually costs 25 euros per tablet excluding tax.

The only good news at the moment is that Aquipta received a favorable opinion a few weeks ago for reimbursement in the preventive treatment of migraine. without cardiovascular damage. The ministry will announce its final decision soon.

Also read >> For 9 months, she has been suffering from migraines that won’t go away and is going through hell.

As the WHO points out, headache, characterized by frequent headaches, is one of the most widespread disorders of the nervous system. They concern 20% of women, 10% of men and 5% of children. According to a new study published in the journal Neurology, two factors actually play a role in their occurrence: sleep quality and stress experienced the day before a migraine.

Video – Migraine: Diet to prevent it

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