“There is no zero moment of death”
LThey are Stéphane Charpierre, professor of neuroscience at the Sorbonne University, director of the INSERM research team at the Paris Brain Institute and the author. The Science of Resurrection (Flammarion), identified various electromagnetic waves sent by the brain at death and resurrection. He would introduce these “waves of death and rebirth” during his speech at the Paris-Saclay summit organized by him. point, March 1 at 3:30 p.m
Point: What is a “death wave”?
Stephen Charpier. © JP PARENTEStephane Charpier: We must first recognize that there is constant electrical activity in the living brain, whether it is awake or asleep. Dutch colleagues showed that this background brain noise, which reflects synaptic activity, disappears about twenty seconds after decapitation, giving way to a flat encephalogram. Then a very large electrical wave appeared.
They called it the death wave, because they wrongly believed that it was the last moment of brain function, the death of neurons. This intrigued me. With my team, we continued experiments on rats, blocking the supply of oxygenated blood to the brain, which occurs during cardiac arrest, and then resuscitation.
We first demonstrated that the death wave is caused by specific molecules that are released when neurons stop working (…) Read more