The UN has asked the DR to respect the human rights of Haitians

This UN Asked this Wednesday Dominican RepublicAs well as any other country, to “respect the human rights of Haitians seeking to improve their lives elsewhere” and to avoid “forced deportation”.

Spokesperson of General SecretaryStephane Dujarric, answered the question about it Forced deportation of Haitians from Dominican RepublicTo which he replied: “We do not want people to be deported en masse or forcibly to a country that is clearly not safe.”

This International Organization for MigrationLast February it was published that 9,000 cases of Haitian migrants were “forced returns from neighboring countries” in the same month and 95% of them came from the Dominican Republic.

President on 13th February Louis Ebineder went to New York to attend the session of Security Council on HaitiAnd on his departure he highlighted the rapid deterioration of security in the neighboring country, on which he asked the international community to act, warning: “Either we fight together to save Haiti, or we fight alone to save the Dominican Republic.” .

On the other hand, the UN spokesperson once again asked that international community Kenya, as a country committed to leading a future multinational force to support local police and act swiftly to resolve the crisis in the Caribbean country involved in an uncertain transition, urged Kenya not to pass on all responsibility.

“I don’t think it’s fair to put The future of Haiti On the shoulders of Kenya alone, is the responsibility internationally; We need more money for the trust fund” (which will finance this multinational mission), Dujarric insisted.

Moreover, he said that it is not up UN Lead change in Haiti: “It is not a matter for the Secretary General or United Nations Impose a solution on the people of Haiti. It has already been tried many times without much success. “With the formation of the Presidential Council, as arranged, the Haitian political class, civil society, needs to agree on a roadmap.”

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