
The Stethoscope and Other Inventions That Revolutionized Modern Medicine – Health

Modern medicine and its discoveries have developed a series of advances in people’s health and well-being, Such as increasing life expectancy, reducing infant mortality and eliminating or curing some diseases that were considered the most deadly in ancient times.

Many of these discoveries have made it possible to distinguish the internal state of breathing and the possibility of preventing pain during serious surgical interventions.

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In fact, since the 19th century, when modern medicine began to gain more recognition, some of the later works have become relevant discoveries that today It is conceivable to do organ transplants and vaccines, therapy Geneticsamong others.


Invented in 1816 by French doctor René Laennec, this medical instrument can listen to sounds such as the body’s heartbeat, respiration and bowel sounds.

This device is simple yet effective, as it has revolutionized medical practice. It allows doctors to distinguish possible conditions in the chest and abdominal areas with greater clarity and precision.

Over the years, this great invention was perfected, until in 1940 the stethoscope was designed with two sides, one for the respiratory system and the other for the cardiovascular system, a model that became a reference to this day, according to the National Health. Service for employees of the Argentine Republic, ‘Ospat’.


It can be said that before the discovery of antibiotics, bacterial infections were one of the leading causes of death. The simplest, such as tonsillitis or pneumonia, could be fatal, and the most serious, such as tuberculosis or sepsis, were practically inevitable.

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Its creation radically transformed health services, beginning with penicillin, which British scientist Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered in 1929, while observing how the mold managed to eliminate a colony of bacteria growing on the same plate. This confirms that the mold produces a substance capable of dissolving the bacteria, thus curing the bacterial infection.

According to the ‘Healthy Children’ portal, There are several types of antibiotics: antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic. Some drugs are effective against a variety of organisms (broad-spectrum antibiotics) and others are a bit more specific.


This revolutionary invention has changed the lives of millions of people, as it has made it possible for thousands of people to perform complex surgeries, avoiding great pain in their patients while performing medical procedures.

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It was first used under the scientific experiments of the American dentist William Thomas Monton. In 1846, He used sulfuric ether to painlessly extract Eben Frost’s teeth. Boston musician, according to ‘National Geographic’.

Its effect was demonstrated months later at Massachusetts General Hospital, where a dentist He gave the participant ether to inhale and after a few minutes he passed out. Warren completed the operation without incident. Since then, the novel method is used till date.

The discovery of modern medicines is progressing at a rapid pace. As new technologies are developed, further advances in human health and well-being are likely to occur.

Nathalia Gomez Par
Digital Scope Editorial

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