
The National Academy of Medicine calls for vigilance given the rise in respiratory diseases

The National Academy of Medicine urged the Venezuelan population not to let their guard down given the increase in various respiratory diseases in recent weeks. Through a statement, the organization recommends to go to healthcare centers immediately and avoid self-medication in case of presenting severe symptoms.

The letter states that the activity of SARS-CoV-2 in the Andean subregion has remained moderate and has been increasing over the last four epidemic weeks (SE). Although influenza activity has remained at a low level in circulation, it has increased slightly over the past two weeks.

“Although influenza activity has remained low in circulation, there has been a slight increase in the past two weeks, as has been the case with severe acute respiratory infection (SARI),” he added.

Similarly, it adds that there has been a slight increase in cases of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) in the last four SE weeks associated with an increase in the proportion of positive influenza cases.

In Venezuela, influenza activity has fluctuated around the epidemic threshold over the past four weeks, with a slight increase in respiratory syncytial virus activity.

In this sense, the National Academy of Medicine requested the Ministry of Health to publish epidemiological data in the case of a new strain of SARS-CoV-2 known as JN1 present in Colombia and to warn communities about prevention measures.

The organization emphasized the continued use of already known biosecurity standards, physical distancing, hand washing and face masks.

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