The Cuban government has announced severe impacts on the distribution of bread in the basic basket

Officials of the Ministry of Food Industry (MINAL) announced it Delivery of bread from the family basket will be severely affected till the end of March Controlled by delays in the arrival of wheat shipments.

“Basically the financial restrictions associated with the strict embargo and the logistical limitations suffered by Cuba in bringing wheat from distant markets are essential reasons for the delay in the arrival of ships with grain,” explained a report by National Television News (NTV). .

“Right now we have only one wheat mill in operation out of five, the Cienfuegos mill, which produces only 250 tons of flour per day out of 700 that use only bread from the family basket. Controlled,” explained Imerio González Lorenzo, president of the Food Industry Business Group. who clarified that the last shipment had arrived at the end of January.

To overcome the current shortage of wheat flour The use of “extenders” up to 15 percent was guided in the preparation of bread from the controlled family basket.

On the other hand, they announced The purchase of imported lots is negotiated through “non-state management forms”.

González Lorenzo affirmed that despite the complex reality of fuel that Cuba also faces, the priority is to guarantee that the wheat or flour reaches the mills immediately by the institutions involved in the port-transport-domestic economy chain.

Cuban Bread Company will maintain limited offerings based on conditions in each region.

There are five wheat processing mills in Cuba: three in Havana, one in Cienfuegos, and the other in Santiago de Cuba. Just making bread requires 20,000 tons of flour monthly to ensure a regulated family basket.

The drama of shortage of wheat flour to cope with bread production is not new. In 2023, Cubans have already experienced periodic irregularities in the sale of regular bread throughout the country.

In Ciego de Ávila In September, families began to receive only 50 grams of standard breadInstead of the usual 80, due to the shortage of flour in Cuba.

Added to these irregularities is the poor quality of the bread. In recent days, a Cuban woman reported that she had a nephew, a boy Merabou got a fork in the bread What you get for a controlled quota.

Earlier, another Cuban woman claimed to be A piece of pumpkin with a shell was found in bread in the basement.

(TagsToTranslate)News from Cuba

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