‘Texit’ supporters hope that Texas will secede from the US and become an independent nation

Proponents of ‘Texit’ want Texas to secede from the United States and become a fully independent nation. This is what the Lone Star State would look like if it seceded from a North American country.

Tensions on the border between Mexico and the United States have created some uncertainty in the state of Texas, below Social and economic predictions if this ‘text’ movement materializes:

After recent tensions between the state of Texas and the federal government of the United States, the separatist theory of the aforementioned territory has once again gained prominence among experts.

According to a recent analysis published by the RT News Network, if Texas’ independence intentions succeed, it will become a country with an area of ​​695 thousand square kilometers, making it a nation similar to France. For its extension.

With an index of over 30 million inhabitants, it would be the 51st most populous in the world. Likewise, they cite its individual economic strength that would make it a region with a gross domestic product of over 2 trillion dollars, which is very high and would surpass the economies of Brazil, Russia, Australia, South Korea and other developed countries. .

With its independence, Texas would become the world’s seventh largest oil exporter. This reality, combined with the nuclear industry and other raw materials already existing in the aforementioned region, will enrich each taxon according to the current reality.

Its capital will be Houston and the official languages ​​will be English and Spanish. The latter considering its geographical location.

Today, many residents support the secession of Texas from the United States. This is not the first time something like this has happened, in 1836 the region declared its independence from Mexico and did not join the US administration until 1845.

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