
“Stop making fun of my GTA 6!”, several million dollars and now a role in Rockstar Games, these are the new demands of the Florida Joker

Clearly, we have to believe that Florida likes to talk about the Joker… a lot of people asked afterwards Rockstar Games And take-two, he’s back on the attack following his supposed appearance in the GTA 6 trailer.

Florida Joker makes a new request for Rockstar Games

If you haven’t heard of this man we call the “Florida Joker”, here’s a quick summary of recent events… It was in December 2023 that Rockstar Games first released a trailer for the long-awaited GTA 6.. by the latter, We see a man appear With purple hair, tattoos on his face, and according to Florida Joker, here it will be.

Following this, he initially decided to demand no less than 2 million dollars from Rockstar Games for the use of his image through this trailer, and subsequently, he demanded 5 million dollars. And if the star firm does not respond favorably to its requests within the given time, it will take legal action…

And today, what does he want? Did he follow his approach? Well no! Today, there is still no legal action in sight, but indeed A new request: to give your character your in-game voice. It is in fact through the social network TikTok that he made his new request.

Let me play a character, give me more story elements in the game… Let’s make the story happen, man (…) stop kidding me, GTA 6! where is my money Call me, let’s make a deal! I don’t want to go to court with complaints and lawyers and this and that, but if I have to go, I will.

Rockstar Games turns a deaf ear

As we write these lines and without much surprise, Rockstar Games still hasn’t responded to his messages And he has yet to pay the astronomical amount requested. although, Joker has once again threatened legal action in his latest videoBut let’s be frank: If he goes this far, we all know he’s going to come out a loser, and that’s saying something.

As a reminder, when GTA 5 was released in 2013, it was another personality who wanted to sue the publisher of the license, and it wasn’t just anyone because it wasn’t anyone else. Starlet Lindsay Lohan. Unsurprisingly, she lost her case, leaving several thousand dollars behind.

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