
SK Gaming won against MAD Lions KOI on this second day of the LEC Winter Split

Competition resumed at the Riot Games Arena on the second day of the LEC Winter Split 2024. In an anticipated match, the MAD Lions met SK Gaming, a clash that ended with Nisky and his team winning. The victory marked their second win of the regular season, allowing them to temporarily move to the top of the standings.

Nisky against his former team

Back to the Riot Games Arena in Berlin to attend the second day of the LEC Winter Split 2024 regular season. At the start of the second day of competition, the league offered us an electrifying match between MAD Lions KOI (from the merger between MAD Lions, KOI and Movistar Riders) in the experienced SK Gaming. The meeting, as usual, was marked by a certain point: Nisky, SK Gaming’s new midlaner, found himself facing his former team for the first time since his transfer.

After an off-season and a tumultuous transfer window for the Spanish side, this match promises to be a real test of strength and strategy, highlighting the new dynamics of these reconfigured teams. Eager spectators waited to see if Nisky would shine against his former jungler Elyoya or if the MAD Lions KOI would assert its supremacy with an almost completely revamped lineup that welcomed 4 new recruits. The match promised not only a high-level game, but also an intense emotional battle on the virtual arena.

one level up

MAD Lions KOI and SK Gaming finally enter the Rift for their showdown. The game gets off to a sharp start with the German team adopting an aggressive early game strategy, especially in the botlane. This approach allows Exakick and his partner to draw first blood, and can even double the bet before the first 5 minutes of the game. This start of the game is clearly in favor of SK Gaming, who takes the initiative from the first minute. Destabilize their opponents to force them to make mistakes. This allowed them to build a significant lead of around 2,000 gold 10 minutes into the game. Over time, both teams battled evenly, but SK Gaming managed to come out on top throughout each encounter, thus gaining a slight advantage. on the ground.

20 minutes into the game, a decisive moment in the game comes, starting with the MAD Lions’ solid initiative on the topplane. However, they showed themselves to be overly ambitious and found themselves overturned by SK, who effectively grouped around the jungler and midlaner. SK Gaming then managed to get an ace and capture the first run of the match. With the Baron’s buff, SK Gaming ramps up its pressure on the lane, now cementing its dominance with a 5,000 gold coin lead. The MAD Lions look disorganized at this stage of the game and as the half hour mark approaches, SK Gaming win another team fight on a desperate effort from MAD. With a numerical superiority, they advance to the midlane, reaching the base of the MAD Lions, but without the time needed to end the game. After regrouping, SK Gaming launched a new attack, which ultimately resulted in the destruction of Nexus.

Week 1 Match Results – Day 2

14 January Sunday

  • finish



    regular season

    regular season

  • finish

    MAD Lions KOI

    SK Gaming

    regular season

    regular season

  • finish

    G2 Esports

    Carmine Corp

    regular season

    regular season

  • finish


    Team spirit

    regular season

    regular season

  • finish


    Team heretics

    regular season

    regular season

2024 LEC Regular Season Standings





1 SK Gaming 3 0
2 obsessive 2 1
G2 Esports 2 1
MAD Lions KOI 2 1
Team BDS 2 1
Team heretics 2 1
7 GIANTX 1 2
snap 1 2
9 Carmine Corp 0 3
Team spirit 0 3

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